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In the dark night, Wei Ling completely covered his head with the quilt, not even daring to show his eyes. The warm and even stuffy quilt brought a huge sense of security, which seemed to dispel the feeling of looking at Ajian and the others during the day. A chill down my spine during the live broadcast.

As a die-hard fan of Snow Tuan, Wei Ling also relied on luck to get a closed beta account this time. His previous interest in "Shining Star" was not very high. If he didn't get it, he would just watch the anchor and play it. Later, the farming game "Mountains and Seas" was He particularly liked it, but it was a pity that he didn't get the chance to get the closed beta. Fortunately, after the closed beta of "Mountains and Seas", he didn't have to wait long for the official version of the game to be released.

This time he knew that Xuetuan had made a horror game. Although as a fan he also hoped that Xuetuan would develop in an all-round way, to be honest, when he saw the familiar architectural style that appeared at the beginning of the promotional video, Wei Ling still saved his life. A bit of luck, I thought to myself, or maybe Xuetuan is gentler than others when playing horror games?

Maybe he can try playing a horror game this time?

Although the beginning of the promotional video also reminded players with special diseases to watch with caution, Wei Ling did not take it too seriously.

However, when the audience in the live broadcast room saw the repetition of Anxin's community and streets, he began to feel uncomfortable.

Wei Ling was in school at that time. Their school had an entertainment building, a game area, a film and television area, and so on. Each floor was divided into categories. There were many rooms on each floor, some free and some paid.

Wei Ling and his high-player friend chose a room in the paid game area. This room is divided into two parts, one half is the part with the holographic cabin, and the other half is the viewing area where you can enlarge the screen. It is especially suitable for group games. Black, and then review after the game.

Because it was paid, the room equipment was more luxurious than the Internet cafes outside, and the spacious room was just for the two of them.

Friends who are good gamers also grabbed the closed beta code of "Midnight Sound". As soon as the class was over, they came with Wei Ling. They played and watched each other without being disturbed. It was very comfortable.

However, as Ajian and the others entered the community, the sky gradually became dark. When he followed the barrage in the live broadcast room of Ajian and the others and saw the appearance of the ghost players, he didn't think so at all.

Coincidentally, Guifang's player's ID, burning and flaming, is exactly his high-player friend.

Wei Ling was really excited when he saw the ID. However, when he saw the image of his friend at this time, he was frightened and made a sound. Then he quickly raised the temperature of the room and never dared to look at his friend again. perspective.

But as the time in the game got later and later, and high energy appeared frequently, Wei Ling shrank smaller and smaller on the sofa, and finally became a ball.

The students passing by the door of the room all wondered: Damn it, why is it so hot here?

Later, some other students wanted to play in a room, but the other rooms were full. They asked Wei Ling and told him to reassure Wei Ling that they would not disturb him and would share the cost, but he did not finish his words. He was interrupted by Wei Ling.

No matter the fee, come in now! Wei Ling agreed without saying a word. Sometimes it's really helpless to be online alone. Ugh...

Originally, the students who came to share a room wanted to play other games, but Wei Ling could see the big screen at a glance. It can be noticed that after the game was completely dark, the ghost side started a chase, and the human players were so nervous and frightened that they ran and screamed, which made several students couldn't help but become curious and watched two more times. Eye.

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