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Ming Lie's temples jumped a little, and just when he was about to speak, the whole car suddenly stopped, and the passengers in the car leaned forward due to the force of force.

Although the random identity of Yan Xuezhou was a child who had graduated from elementary school, his body was extremely thin. Minglie subconsciously reached out and stopped the child in front of his forehead to prevent him from knocking into the seat in front of him, which had exposed the metal part inside.

"Huh..." Yan Xuezhou's pain system was not actually turned on, but the other party's actions were still very heart-warming. When the car stopped, he quickly thanked him, and then whispered, "Let's start."

Yan Xuezhou's voice just finished After getting off, the car became a little noisy. People in the car were complaining about the driver, and the driver was cursing and then turned off the engine and got out of the car.

From a bright angle, you can see the front windshield of the bus. The driver walked to the front of the bus while cursing, with a look of disgust on his face, as if he saw something he didn't like, and he kicked a fuzzy black object with his foot. roadside.

The roadside is on the right, and Yan Xuezhou is sitting on the right by the window. He has seen this scene two or three times, and he immediately closed his eyes defensively, and his body subconsciously hid towards Ming Lie.

Minglie, on the other hand, only after the driver got in and restarted the engine and the vehicle started moving, he finally saw the mass on the roadside clearly amid the voices of other people.

It was a black, dead cat with one eye hanging outside its socket. The single eye was staring directly at the living people in the car, and the body was in pieces.

Minglie frowned slightly. The reason for the frown was naturally not fear, but he could see through the body that the cat had not only been hit, but had obviously been run over many times. But just now, the driver kicked him aside in front of the car.

There is something unreasonable about this: a dead cat on the road, even if the car runs over it a second time, it should be under the car, not in front of the car. After all, it was lying dead on the ground, not alive enough to stand on the road.

Ming Lie wasn't sure if this was just a simple scare tactic designed by Yan Xuezhou, or if it had another meaning, so he didn't say what was unreasonable for the time being.

Starting from the dead black cat, the atmosphere inside the bus changed significantly.

The carriage was still sweltering with various peculiar smells. Since the incident just now, the scene was still very ordinary. At most, there was an accident. There were no monsters in the scene. However, there was no human voice in the carriage. Everyone fell silent, and even the sound of breathing was inaudible.

After a while, the vehicle arrived at the entrance of Qinghe Village, and Yan Xuezhou and his wife got out of the vehicle. According to the address on the ID card, they could go home first.

However, as soon as he entered the village, a middle-aged man with red eyes and a crazy look rushed out of the house. He immediately stared at Ming Lie and Yan Xuezhou behind Ming Lie.

"Okay! You are finally back! Boys from the Li family, tell me, what did you do last weekend! Huh? Why is my kid missing now?"

NPC Yan Xuezhou is all synthesized by AI. In "Shine" This kind of dubbing may appear a bit emotionless when used in a movie. However, the stiffer it is, the more dull it becomes. But when used in Chinese horror, it may have a pretty good effect.

This NPC's lines are filled with simple anger and anxiety.

Yan Xuezhou replied to the NPC: "We didn't do anything! Uncle Wu, isn't your Xiao Wu there?"

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