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Chapter 129

Ming Lie still kept Yan Xuezhou's address confidential. Although the original intention of players sending blades was to say that the plot of the game made by Yan Xuezhou was too cruel, there was still a big difference between sending it to a company and sending it to a private address.

After the security upgrade, players never sent anything to Yan Xuezhou's home again. It was just during the new plot of "Xia Zhe" that the company received quite a lot of things. Whether the things were dangerous or not, Yan Xuezhou thought about it and used these things to make game peripherals, which were later posted on the official website for lottery.

Players still like the free peripheral lottery. If players want to send something else in the future, Yan Xuezhou is also prepared to handle it this way.

This is just a small episode in daily life. After the new plot of "Xia Zhe", Yan Xuezhou came to plan a new game.

"Twenty-Four Solar Terms" is indeed designed to be beautiful and warm. As for whether the card drawing gameplay itself is healing or depressing, well, that depends on the player's luck.

For this game, Yan Xuezhou first had to conceive of the game background.

Personification of seasons, personification of solar terms, and personification of animals and plants that are representative of seasonal terms.

This is Yan Xuezhou's initial idea - to draw cards, the characters must be rich.

In fact, there are many materials suitable for drawing cards, such as Classic of Mountains and Seas, myths and legends, Three Kingdoms, Water Margin, Liaozhai, etc. There are a lot of characters that can be made into card drawing games.

Of course, these classics are by no means limited to card drawing games, each of them can be made into a large-scale game. The card category is not just about character development.

These classics contain too much content. Yan Xuezhou is not in a hurry to present them all now. He takes his time. He still has a lot of time to make new games.

Let's talk about "The Twenty-Four Solar Terms".

It is said that at the beginning of the world, the heaven and earth were barren, colorless, without any life. I don't know how many days and months passed, but suddenly one day, there was only black and white and gray in the world, and the first green leaves suddenly grew on the black trees.

That is the first touch of color in the world, and it is also the color that represents life - spring.

Time seems to have finally flowed from the beginning of that touch of color. And that color began to spread to the surroundings, nearby areas, and even the entire world.

So, there was wind, rain, sunshine, and all things.

What was originally a dark and silent world gradually turned into a vibrant, colorful world.

But the problem also arises. Life is not infinite. Their life spans are long and short. They have reincarnation and need to rest and recuperate. So, how can we grasp the rules? On what basis should we divide it?

And why has this world always been barren and gray? When spring brings vitality, will the former desolation return to this land? If so, how to stop it?

Or maybe spring appears suddenly? Or, the four seasons originally existed, but were sealed by some force, and the world became lifeless?

What do players need to do to keep the world a beautiful place?

Yan Xuezhou held his chin with one hand and clicked on the table with the other. Bizarre pictures flashed through his mind. After a while, he stood up and came to the studio, opened the holographic cabin and lay down in it.

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