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Chapter 170

Ajian was quickly taken to a human town by these human NPCs. The prosperity of this town seemed to be quite good.

Ajian was wrapped in a sack, and his whole line of sight was separated by a layer of sack, so he couldn't see clearly outside. However, this perspective was quite novel, and he really felt like he was being contained. Just from the sound of people, I can tell that there are quite a lot of people in this town. It is also based on this that Ajian feels that it is quite prosperous.

The bag was opened, but not completely.

An NPC dressed as a businessman looked down at him and said to the NPCs who caught him: "You are lucky, but fire dragons are the most common ones. You must be mentally prepared for the price." As soon as

Ajian heard this If you don't like it, who do you think is cheap?

"I bet five stars, this guy must be deliberately belittling! He wants to lower the price!"

"The profiteer, at first glance, he is fooling these ignorant humans!"

"You are the only one who sees this, we are fire dragons!"

"Hahaha, don't be too sincere upstairs. If you are sold, do you still have to worry that you sold it too cheap? The money will not reach the host's pocket."

Sure enough, the profiteer changed hands and took Ajian to another place. Quite a high-end auction house.

He bought it for dozens of gold coins and sold Ajian for several hundred gold coins. Jian shook his head and sighed, it was really shameful to be caught by those idiots!

But soon, he no longer had time to think about those despicable and stupid humans. After he was auctioned, he was transferred to the buyer again.

As soon as he met the buyer, Ajian immediately stopped complaining. He still looked like a dragon cub, looking up at people blankly, looking very cute and cute.

A strand of silver hair hung above Jian's head. The girl bent down and smiled, saying to Jian: "Xiaohong, can I call you Xiaohong? This is the first time we meet, please take care of me!" "

ohhhhh... "

"Cute and pretty young lady! I can do it!"

"Hahahaha, I can't say that Ajian is not a chieftain anymore this time. This girl's dress is worth hundreds of gold coins. She is either rich or expensive! It's time to get rich!"

" Although I was unlucky enough to be caught and sold, it seems not bad to be bought by such a buyer!" "

I went, I thought it was over after being sold, but I didn't expect that this plot could really be developed?"

" Yes!!! The focus is not on the luck of the anchor, but on the mechanics of the game! Looking at the extension of this plot, the 'real' world really tastes like that!" The

cute girl's name is Edith, a trainee magician. She studied in a magic academy in the royal city. She was actually not very courageous and could not learn attack magic well, but she was very interested in the summoning magic. She kept talking to Jian, and Jian learned from this information. Learned that she wanted to become a summoning magician.

The summoning system is similar to the beast tamer, except that the summoning system has a dark necromancer. Necromancers also belong to the summoning system, but their summons are very evil.

Edith originally planned to find a low-level monster to practice her skills on first, such as slime and cute-eyed magic rabbit. They are cute and have little attack power, and the probability of success is high. But before she even left the city, she saw There were all kinds of low-level monsters for sale in the market, and she didn't need to go to the wild by herself.

After being dazzled by the sight, the guard who accompanied her said that she could go to the Adventure Guild's auction house and see a fire dragon cub. At the guard's suggestion, she took a photo.

Edith had a very gentle voice and a sweet and lovely appearance. She told Ajian that she wanted a contract, but Ajian was too embarrassed to even refuse.

Since he didn't struggle or resist, the contract process was quite smooth.

When Ajian came to his senses, he had become the contracted beast of an NPC. Wait a minute, how does he upgrade? Is it true that only Edith takes him to the wild to farm monsters before he can come out and farm them?

Yes, that's right.

Jian clicked on the current character panel, and his ID was followed by the word "contracted". Click on these three words for detailed information.

The contracted monster cannot be summoned except by the owner. It usually stays in a place similar to a pet's room, with a nest, a food bowl, and maybe toys - it depends on whether the owner prepares them. When not summoned, the monster usually either eats or sleeps. If it wants to go out and move around, it can tell its owner, but the owner may not let it go.

This is from the perspective of the monster. Switching to the perspective of the human summoner is another way of playing.

The summoner can contract multiple monsters. The upper limit of the number needs to be exceeded by the summoner. He can have up to ten contracted beasts. As many as you own can be summoned in battle. For each contracted monster, the summoner can prepare its own room or large room for them. Those with independent spaces will not get hurt or fight, but they will easily feel bored and lonely. If they are all placed in a large room, the monsters may have friction.

Contracted monsters also need to be taken care of by the summoner. Feeding, playing and summoning them to fight together will increase the goodwill and understanding between the summoner and the summoned creature. If the favorability drops to a certain value, the summoned object can terminate the contract on its own. If the level difference between the summoner and the summoned object is too large, for example, if the summoned object is already level 50 and the player is still at level ten, then the summoner's contract will be very loose, and the summoned object can get rid of the summoner at any time if it wants.

This gameplay is also suitable for monsters.

In other words, now that Ajian has lost part of his freedom, he cannot come out casually unless Edith calls him. At the expense of this part of freedom, he does not have to find food by himself and has a safe environment - as long as Edith does not die, he will not appear.

But if you don't go out to fight monsters and see the world, you have to wait for the NPC to take you out before you can come out. It's fine for those who want to play the game, but players who like to go on adventures will suffer.

If the player is a monster, you can play some mini-games in the pet room.

For example, "Chicken", Elimination, Snake and the like. Otherwise, just look at your own dashboard and think about how to develop in the future and how to add points after upgrading.

Maybe the person who contracted Ajian was an NPC. Once Ajian was taken in, Edith would let him out as long as he proposed an idea. Even in the academy, he could follow Edith in and observe the academy.

Then Ajian thought: "Huh? In that case, can summoner players contract with World of Warcraft players?" "

!! If it is possible, then you can really play anything in this game!" "

Zhuo, master and servant Prey! Help, I have already imagined some scenes of young lovers being bored!"

"Oh my god, is this really okay?"

"Not all of them are bored! One party just wants to be a pendant, and the other wants to kill everyone. Showing charm, this summoner and contract monster are really suitable." "

I feel that Xuetuan really plans this. You see, racially, the dark faction and the light faction are naturally hostile camps, so there is no need for them. What kind of plot will unfold? At present, the anchor has not tried the difference in experience points between killing monsters and killing humans. If there are both, it will be even more amazing." The

audience thought about this netizen's statement and were instantly stunned.

Wouldn't it be even more amazing? !

For the sake of experience points, of course there is nothing the players can't do. They will attack humans in the appearance of monsters. In the eyes of humans, they are extremely cruel monsters that destroy their homes and take away their lives. They need to find ways to eliminate them.

Once such a contradiction arises, humans' attitude towards monsters will naturally become vigilant and hostile.

Human players will receive many orders to get rid of high-level monsters in a certain area, which is a duel between human players and monster players. Whoever wins can gain a lot of experience points and rewards.

A real different world is formed in this way.

Players in this different world are also members of this different world.

This world only has the general background plot and the plots of some important NPCs. For the players, each one can develop his or her own exclusive plot.

In order to verify this, for a while, the audience in Ajian's live broadcast room ran around randomly, going back and forth to different anchor live broadcast rooms, and they also saw different races.

At this sight, everyone was shocked again.

"The birth points of several anchors I watched are different! Even those of the same race are different!"

"There are no world channels and main city channels yet. I don't know if it's because the level is not enough, or if the game planner really didn't design the world. Channel. Although it lacks a lot of convenience, it really adds a lot of realism!" "With

different races, different birth points, encountering different NPCs and emergencies, each player can play a different story of his own. !!!"

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, you, this big game that took so long to make, it really deserves its reputation!

" , both eating monsters and killing humans, he really has experience!! The upgrade is really fast, and several skills have been opened. However, the experience value of ordinary humans is very little, not as high as that of magicians and swordsmen. His notoriety has spread throughout the world This city has now been listed as a bounty mission by the Adventure Guild!"

"Holy crap! It's really possible?!"

At this moment, netizens couldn't help but shout in unison: Oh my God! What kind of game did Yan Xuezhou make? !

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