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Chapter 181

The second set of cards made by Yan Xuezhou is Civil Servants of the Underworld, including the Yamas and Ghost Envoys of various palaces. After finishing, he checked into "Saints" again. This time he went online in the demon area, and the main maps he visited were the underground labyrinth and the realm of the undead.

Relatively speaking, there are fewer people choosing the dark camp, but the number of players is still quite large. On the map here, those strange creatures wearing blue transparent films are really difficult to make people not recognize that they are players.

It seems that they have also explored the method of manually shaping slimes, which is why there is such a strange thing that I either laugh to death or lose my SAN value after watching it over and over again. It is estimated that the ugliest abyss monster will be shocked when the players look at it: What kind of mess is this? How come the new monsters these days look scarier than them?

Monsters are also visible in other maps, but undead and ghosts are rare in other places.

In the background setting, ghosts can be seen in the ghost forest, but the undead are rarely seen on the ground of the mainland and in the underground labyrinth. The undead have a separate realm and are also underground.

Generally speaking, the undead stay peacefully in their own place, but from time to time there are still some areas on the ground that are attacked by the undead. Why is this?

Because in the world of the undead, several passages will open every once in a while, and the undead wandering aimlessly will reach the ground from these passages, causing harm to the surrounding humans.

On the one hand, this passage is needed by the undead players, and on the other hand, it is also a hidden line laid by Yan Xuezhou. If a player discovers it, a large hidden plot will open.

——This passage did not appear for no reason, so who opened it? What's the purpose?

There is the only dark magic academy on the continent, which is full of necromancers. They are on the edge of the map, surrounded by dark forests and swamps. Necromancers are despised and despised. Do they naturally like to be in this kind of place, or are they driven here by others?

The Dark Magic Academy has a teleportation array that can teleport students to the world of the dead to bind their own skeleton army. However, this teleportation array only sends the students in, but it cannot allow the undead without masters to come out.

The one who really opened the passage in the world of the dead after a while was the Holy See of Light. They use the undead to cause disasters in human villages and towns. At that time, the people living there will actively request the Holy See, and the Holy See will send their light knights and light magicians to drive away the dark undead.

The incident was resolved, and the Light and the Holy See once again gained people's admiration and gratitude, and then once again placed all the sins on the necromancers who were already at the edge of the map.

Status, interests and true darkness, these have never been discovered and exposed by the world.

Yan Xuezhou mainly wanted to see if any server had opened this line. He looked at several areas and found that no players had fully opened this hidden line yet. However, some players had already received the hidden clues. As long as there was a server, Once it is released, there will naturally be a large-scale discussion on the forum, and there is no need to worry about other servers.

Yan Xuezhou has done a lot of similar hidden plots, and he is looking forward to being dug out by players one by one.

As usual, the Underworld deck was also refined by Yan Xuezhou. After completing this set, he made another set of Classic of Mountains and Seas monsters. When he was almost done with the Classic of Mountains and Seas set, the first promotion of "Card Maker" was finally released.

"Wild" is the main theme of the new game. This name alone is enough to attract the attention of peers and players. That is "Wild" that has dominated the list for many years!

Before netizens could figure out what kind of game this was, the series of names of designers following Harlow's name made everyone stunned.

"Fuck! I'm not blind, am I? Snow Tuan???"

"In my lifetime! In my lifetime, I can actually see Xuetuan and Harlow collaborating?"

"It's not just them! Every designer who participated in this game has... I won the award in Star Alliance, Hold the Grass, what kind of magical lineup is this?"

"[Pupillary Earthquake.jpg] Am I not in a dream?"

"What kind of epic masterpiece is this?"

"What kind of game is it? Anyway, I'm done! I can't imagine what kind of sparks there will be when so many powerful designers come together."

"It's like a New Year's movie, with a lot of famous actors and actresses participating in a movie. The movie, inexplicably has a sense of reunion and completeness 2333~"

"Friends, go watch the promotional video, the game settings are very interesting!"

Netizens who were not completely shocked by the list of designers quickly closed their eyes when they heard this. Mouth, click on the promotional video to watch.

"Card Maker" begins with a developing and prosperous planet. After fully displaying the beauty of this planet, an unknown catastrophe sweeps across the entire planet.

The original homeland has been ruthlessly destroyed, various resources have been exhausted, and the entire surface of the earth has become a wasteland of yellow sand. Human survival is extremely difficult. Just when everyone despairs that they can't survive this time, humanity on this planet is about to perish.

At this moment, a child who was extremely hungry found a piece of cardboard from somewhere and drew a piece of cake.

A magical scene appeared, the cake drawn on the cardboard came true!

This is not a fantasy or a dream. Starting from this child, one after another humans have the ability to make cards, clean food and water, vegetable seedlings and saplings that are not affected by the soil, and even characters that can fight against mutated animals and plants. card.

Card makers can make whatever cards they need. For ordinary humans, they are almost omnipotent.

The card maker brings the survivors back to life, but the apocalyptic order has disappeared. Everything that humans can use comes from the card maker, and a new crisis is quietly coming.

The promotional video produced by Harlow Company is not as interested in whetting the players' appetite as Yan Xuezhou. After the background story narration, there is also a part of the gameplay display and the designers' deck display.

Realistic scenes, survival game features, five-sense simulation, this game has it all.

The focus is naturally on the many designers involved in game design. They all have different styles and of course the decks they produce are also different. The biggest advantage of this game is that no matter what style players like, they can always find one that suits their taste here.

Even if you don't like any of them, it doesn't matter. Players are all card makers and can make whatever cards they want. If the cards are not new, there is also a latest gameplay. You can choose a few favorite cards in the gameplay, and you can "summon" them in reality even if they are offline.

In this "summoning", in addition to players enjoying the card characters themselves, please note that you can also play against other players in reality!

In reality, of course, it is not a game background. Whether a player wins or loses offline will not affect the online game rewards and card consumption. The focus of offline cards is on the "card", which is played like playing cards, but cards The special effects of the skills of the card characters are still the same as those in the game, so the visual effects of playing cards in this game will be very cool, which is very suitable for colleagues, classmates, relatives and friends to gather together to play in their free time.

Yan Xuezhou clicked on the comments on the promotional video. Countless players and netizens were still screaming. Some of them had come to their senses and started discussing the settings and gameplay of the game.

"It's a very fantastic identity setting. I didn't expect that there were even cards such as food, water, tools, etc." "

Before opening the promotional video, I first saw the label of this game, which is also a survival combat game. I thought it was " The companion piece to "Wildness", I never expected that it would be such a surprise!"

"If you take the main line, it should be survival in the early stage and fighting in the later stage. But with the snow group, this game should be able to accommodate different types of players, whether they are party members who live in a beautiful scenery, or who like to conquer NPCs, raise pets, or open a shop and operate a store. Wasteland Merchant, download this book and do mission PVP... Just thinking about it

, there are so many things to play." "What attracts me most is the self-made cards. Not only can I make the combat character image myself, but I can also design my own skills. , this degree of freedom is really amazing. As long as I haven't used it before, my opponent has no idea what cards I have in my hand and what skills the cards have." "It is foreseeable that

PVP in this game is difficult, but it is also It's very challenging, I like it!"

"Can you make all the items yourself? Can you make mecha spaceships too???"

"Hahaha, imagine it, this game is a great fusion! Looking forward to it being online!"

Yan Xuezhou is Just reading the comments, the popularity of "Card Maker" on Star Network has skyrocketed.

However, the world of this game is also very large, and the official version is expected to be launched in a year. Yan Xuezhou has much more free time at work. After completing another set of cards, he also began to prepare the main system of "Tiandao" .

Interstellar planning, making billions a day (unedited)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin