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Chapter 158

Before leaving the planet, Yan Xuezhou boldly asked Ming Lie to take him for a ride on the geocentric cable car. After having a good time, the couple returned home.

After coming back, Yan Xuezhou began to think about this magical world of Western fantasy.

When he thinks of the magic of the West, Yan Xuezhou naturally thinks of the Eastern cultivation of immortality. Unlike the Eastern path of immortality, which goes against the will of heaven, the West has more faith in gods.

The world of gods is higher than the world of magic, but miracles can be found everywhere in the world of magic. Believers of gods gain talents and strength by believing in gods. Most prayers to gods will not listen, but there are also some who are extremely lucky. Those who can receive guidance, power or holy objects are the chosen ones.

The background of the world is a continent full of magic, where many different races exist.

The Celestial Clan has the appearance of humans and the wings of angels, but the overall appearance of the tribe is much higher than that of ordinary humans. They are descendants of the former God Clan. They are born with light magic, but because of their blood, this race looks down on any other race, especially monsters.

The one with the same good looks as the Celestial Clan is the Elf Clan. The Elf Clan is different from the ones in "Chasing the Light". They have no wings but pointed ears. Their body size is also the size of a normal human. They are born with the power of nature and have long-lasting power. vitality and high attainments in music.

Dwarves, compared to the first two races, the dwarves are not that good-looking, but they are very good at manufacturing various tools for life. They also have mechanical giants used to defend against attacks. The giant puppets and the dwarves have a different kind of harmony. .

Starting from the dwarves, they tend to be more demonic. Common monsters are slimes, goblins, wolves and various monsters. These ordinary monsters have single thoughts and cannot speak, but the intermediate and advanced ones still maintain their Although it looks like a monster, it can already talk to other races and can chant some magic.

High-level monsters are cool, and their human form also has super good looks. At the same time, the human form will retain some of the characteristics of monsters, such as horns and tails, but most of their beauty is domineering and wild, and their magic power is also very He is powerful and can freely switch between his monster form and his human form during combat. He is very handsome.

The dragon clan can actually be merged into the demon clan. There are many kinds of dragons in the magical world, and they all have wings to fly. Some can breathe fire, some can spray water, some can create storms, and some attack with lightning and thunderstorms. It is really difficult to resist the temptation of high-level magic inherent in a huge body.

Next there are the undead and the vampires.

The low-level undead are all kinds of skeleton soldiers and ghosts, ordinary skeletons, skeletons with machetes, and some with more equipment, or skeleton wolves and dogs. The mid-to-high-level are skeleton generals and skeleton dragons, and there are advanced undead. They look like ordinary skeletons, but they actually possess very strong power. Some of them have regrown flesh and blood, but their faces are as white as paper, and they don't look like living people at first glance.

The faces of vampires are similar to those of high-level undead, except that one is as pale as a dead person, and the other is pale and bloodless, looking very anemic. The setting of the vampire is the same as that of the earl on the vampire map in "Mini Adventure". He has fangs and can transform into a bat, hates sunlight, and is immortal unless he is destroyed.

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