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Chapter 176

The three-person meeting was heated for a long time, and the number increased to four the next day.

The fourth person was invited by Lu En. Yan Xuezhou didn't pay attention at first until the designer introduced himself.

The newcomer is not a newcomer in the gaming industry. He is still a senior. He is Harlow, the chief designer of "Wild".

When Harlow introduced himself and mentioned his name, Mu Changqing happened to take a sip of water, and then spurted it out unexpectedly.

ha? The chief planner of "Wild"? ? ?

Across the light screen, Mu Changqing first looked at Yan Xuezhou, and then his eyes fell on Haruo's face. Grass! The main planner of "Wild" wants to cooperate with them?

Yan Xuezhou was also slightly shocked, but not as exaggerated as Mu Changqing, and greeted the other party politely.

Yan Xuezhou met Harlow at the Star Alliance Awards Ceremony. Interstellar people have relatively long lifespans. Harlow is over fifty, but now he looks like a mature man in his early thirties, a handsome uncle.

Harluo smiled and said, "I've wanted to get to know Xue Tuan for a long time. It's a bit rude to come without permission today."

Yan Xuezhou: "How could it be? Excuse me, do you want to design "Card Maker" with us?"

Harluo Nodding, he actually knew Lu En. To be more precise, he was with Lu En's aunt, one of the Star Alliance judges, but no one outside knew about it. He also learned from Lu En that these young people wanted to make a joint game. After a brief understanding, he became interested.

"So, what is the main line of this game?"

Main line? Yan Xuezhou, the main character, hasn't thought about it yet. He envisions people in the game world being divided into ordinary people and card makers.

Card makers need talent, and this talent is a bit like the magic pen Ma Liang. Give them cards and they can make anything out of thin air, whether it's an item decoration or a character.

Yan Xuezhou has not thought about the others yet. He was thinking of an interstellar background at the time, but now he feels that an interstellar background with the same technology as reality is not appropriate.

After the three of them listened, they started to add information about the star Yan Xuezhou.

In the interstellar world where materials are abundant and technology is advanced, the profession of card maker does seem a bit useless and does not reflect their importance. After all, the interstellar world is plentiful in terms of both material and military resources.

But the wasteland world is different. After experiencing major changes, the world was devastated, animals and plants began to mutate, and a large amount of materials were missing. Humanity encountered an existential crisis. When humankind's survival was at stake, the card maker appeared.

Draw an object on a small piece of cardboard, and the object will come true. Food, water and other materials were produced one by one by card makers, giving humans hope and opportunities for continued survival.

But the world has changed. There are ruins everywhere, the sky is full of yellow sand, the wasteland is chaotic, and alien plants and beasts are rampant. A large organization attempts to monopolize the resources of the world's card makers. The event that turned the world into this Reasons and potential crises...

The four people spoke to each other and slowly outlined the prototype of a different world belonging to "Card Maker".

"When the players arrive, that is, when the official server opens, the timeline is already two or three months after the accident."

"Two or three months? That is enough for human reaction. People with luck or ability have already taken advantage of this. Time has established its own power. Shelters and bases are all there." "

That large organization should be the fastest growing. It is a classic Colosseum gameplay. The superiors use the lives of ordinary people to entertain themselves. Players can Earn money and resources here..."

"You can also lurk, overthrow, and destroy this large organization!"

"There may also be conflicts between ordinary people and card makers. Ordinary people have to rely on the cards of card makers to survive. Difficulty, then people with card-making talents naturally have privileges in this world. Some card-makers use this privilege to do certain things... Inequality will eventually lead to disaster." "

Ordinary people also desire Power, why can some people become card makers, but they can't? Extreme ideas lead to extreme behaviors, what did you think of?" "

Experiments, dissections, transformation plans. If you want to distinguish ordinary people from card makers, One more thing can be added. Although ordinary people can use the cards of card makers, they are limited to dead objects. However, card makers can borrow cards of living creatures with combat effectiveness, but ordinary people cannot actually own them. As long as the card maker wants it, the cards will still return to the card maker's hands."


Several people were so engrossed in chatting that when Yan Xuezhou was drinking water, he looked up at the time and realized that three hours had passed.

It's time to eat!

It's over, let's discuss it tomorrow!

Mu Changqing was speechless. Can't he cope with it by drinking some nutrient solution? What a surprise, this guy is actually going to eat! Drinking nutrient solution is like killing him.

Wouldn't that be fatal? Yan Xuezhou was determined not to drink that stuff again. Besides, they had discussed so much today, and they could summarize it in the evening.

It is indeed more reasonable to abandon the interstellar world and use the wasteland world. As the world is full of crises, the role of card makers will be greater, and players will have more to play with.

However, the timeline may be adjusted to three months after the first card maker appeared in the world, rather than three months after the accident.

This wasteland used to be a planet, and it also had technology. Two or three months is still too short to wait until the end of human life. When some necessary storage materials are exhausted and the humans who survived the disaster have nothing to do, card makers begin to appear.

And the image of the card maker in that desperate situation is probably like a god. Therefore, at first, ordinary humans were full of gratitude and joy for the appearance of the card maker.

But after the most basic survival is guaranteed, and the card maker's privileges appear, potential conflicts gradually surface.

After a family member is mutilated by a privileged card maker, the card maker will not be punished in any way. The card maker who was stabbed in the back by the jealousy of ordinary people died tragically.

Should we choose confrontation or coexistence?

The background story of this world tends to be dark, and the complexity of human nature is fully experienced in this wasteland.

This is different from "Natural Disaster". In "Natural Disaster", the first task of players is to survive. After challenging one world, they can enter the next world. But card makers have to survive in this world.

While thinking about it, Yan Xuezhou opened a blank archive and briefly listed it.

World map, camp power, status, and gameplay.

They also discussed how players play today.

First of all, material scarcity refers to the scarcity of all materials, whether it is food and water necessary for life, or military reserves and shelter.

The soil and water quality have been destroyed and polluted, factories are occupied by various monsters, and some cities are directly buried under the yellow sand and the sea.

The card maker can make any card, but the effect of the card depends on the level and ability of the card maker.

A card maker makes an "apple sapling", and a card maker makes an "apple sapling that ignores any soil quality." The appearance of the two cards is very similar, but the effects are obviously different.

In the early stage, if the player level is low and the ability is insufficient, the probability of producing materials with special effects is low. As the player level and ability improve, the probability will become higher.

Leveling up players can have multiple ways to gain experience points, but what about abilities?

If you want to improve your abilities, you need a prop, which is the core crystal of mutated animals and plants in this wasteland world, which is similar to the crystal core in the brains of zombies in the advanced zombie world. After players use it, there will be advanced effects.

This kind of crystal can be divided into bound and unbound. Of course, the bound one can only be used by the player himself, while the unbound one can be traded.

If you don't play monster hunting, is this game worth playing?

Of course there are, and there are many. Due to the scarcity of supplies, as long as players accurately master a kind of card, they can make a fortune even if they just sell daggers and knives.

The people selling knives and daggers can be either players or NPCs. In the same way, you can sell other supplies as well.

Food, cute pets, and combat character cards are all fine as long as there is demand. But there is also a problem here. If everyone has one card, the market will be directly saturated in the mid-to-late stage, so how to play?

Yan Xuezhou thought for a while and felt that combat characters should also have a limit on the number of times.

Food and water can be eaten and drank directly, and knives are also durable, so combat character cards naturally have a limit on the number of times they can be used. Low-level cards have fewer times and can only be used three or five times, while high-level cards have more times and will have props and materials that increase the number of times the cards can be used.

Another point is, for example, if a player draws a card that he likes very much and uses this card, what should he do if he still wants to continue playing with this card? Original cards are recorded. If players want to use them again, they can prepare all the card-making materials and choose to copy them.

To sell your own cards, the operation is the same. Card making cannot be unlimited every day. In that case, you can win with quantity, and there will be no playability. Every player has energy every day. Making cards requires energy. Low-level cards consume less. Cards like combat characters are high-consuming. The appropriate amount of this amount needs to be discussed in depth.

Yan Xuezhou personally feels that one or two combat character cards are enough for a player to make every day.

In the early stages of the game, players can solve most problems with one or two combat characters, and the rest of their energy is reserved for making supply cards.

Exploring the wasteland world and plot, including business transactions, are relatively basic gameplay. The Colosseum discussed during the day can be "talked about".

The Colosseum is used by large organizations for entertainment in terms of plot, but it can also be used as a ranked battlefield and casino. Players can bring multiple combat character cards to the battle here. These cards are not turn-based. Players must be familiar with the functions, attributes, and skills of the cards. They must also quickly observe the opponent's deck during the waiting period and then make adjustments.

The specific gameplay of this battlefield will be fine-tuned after they get there. After all, in the meantime, they may have some ideas.

Yan Xuezhou imagined the battlefield. Players can design their own skill descriptions, but the system must determine whether they are reasonable or not.

For example, if a player creates a control card and the player wants a group immunity damage protection, if the time is too long, the existence of this skill will be exceeded, and the system will automatically lower it or add certain restrictions.

Silence, freezing, splash damage, secondary skill casting, attack power increased by 200%, ultra-long distance damage, shield counterattack, invincibility, control immunity, group control release... Yan Xuezhou can think of countless skills just by thinking about it. Come out, a combat character can have up to four skills, and the number of deck cards that can go into battle together is up to six.

In addition to the Colosseum gameplay, maybe you can also add tower defense gameplay?

Yan Xuezhou had a hunch that if players started playing this game, it would come alive and there would always be new content, new characters, and new opponents.

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