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Snow Tour has another innovative tour.

This topic has caused a stir in Star Network recently. However, perhaps the previous Star Alliance wholesale of trophies, as well as the fact that "Wild" and "World Heroes" held competitive matches at the same time some time ago, have brought enough impact to Star League netizens that they have launched new games or something. , even netizens have gradually begun to take it for granted.

However, after some netizens emphasized that it was "creating" and not just launching a new game, it still attracted another batch of discussions.

Among them, the most discussed question is one: No, how bad is Xuetuan? How many brains?

"I'm really convinced. It shouldn't have been a year since the big event of the Starlink car pulling the trophy, right?" "

Yes, upstairs, there's still one month to go before it's a year."

"So, he and them The company has successively released several disaster worlds after "Catastrophe", a new DLC for "Journey" and a new game "Gong Hai", and then a new plot for "Xia Zhe", and now, another new game?? Holy shit! Is he still a human? I mean, is he a human?"

"Sigh, compared to Xuetuan, we players are really worthless."

"It's so productive, so scary! But he really pioneered There are several game types, right?"

"Yes, travel and leisure, unique ancient style, decryption unlimited flow, and palace battle, etc. Now this new game is also a new type, with the same card and three ways to play, there is no one else. ."

"Peer: I'm numb. Player: You're amazing in StarCraft! (Just a quick aside, this veteran player has already started to lose his temper, there are too many fun games!)" "

Hahahahahahahaha I got laughed at. But. How's the new game? I'm really excited to see the style. Whether it's the dreamy gameplay in the first promotional video or the actual combat later, it looks really beautiful!" "

I have a hunch that after "Four Seasons" is launched, There will be another batch of card games."

"Every game, including free mini-games, is so fun. I have already prepared for their new games in the future. I rush into it without looking at anything. I can't even imagine how surprising the game is!" "Hey, that's a great idea upstairs! I'll try it next time, anyway, it won't take half a year, and they'll probably have a new one, haha!" "Give it a try


The new game is in internal testing, now let's see what the game is like in real life..."

Amid such discussions, when the quota for the internal testing of "Four Seasons" was opened, it was still snatched up in seconds.

Yan Xuezhou still likes to meet the players' expectations so much. After the promotional video was released, the closed beta started directly the next day.

In this internal beta test, Yan Xuezhou swore that he had never been so kind! real! ! !

However, the players are no longer the simple ones they were before. This time, no matter what Yan Xuezhou says, they are all the same! No! letter!

Yan Xuezhou: ...

He shook his head and walked away with his hands behind his back. Alas, for this generation of players, why is the trust between people so fragile?

Not to mention other players who didn't believe it, even Wei Ling, who was once a big fan, didn't believe it. He always felt that there was something terrible hidden under the beautiful picture.

However, you still have to play with him!

This time he didn't get the beta code, so he went to buy it. He swore that if there was even the slightest chance that the game would kill him this time, he would immediately turn around and run away!

On the day when the closed beta officially started, Wei Ling also received a push message from the assistant of "Xia Zhe".

The knockout rounds of the first competitive tournament have already begun. Wei Ling couldn't help but click on it, but his mind couldn't help thinking that he hadn't been online for a while, and whether his apprentice was still there. His apprentice was so skilled, would he participate in "Xiamen"? What about the competition?

I heard that there are several tracks in the competitive competition: individual competition, double competition, three-person competition and five-person team competition. The opening times of the four tracks are different. If any player wants to participate in all, it is completely possible, and the bonus is still Can be superimposed.

Unconsciously, he thought too much. When Wei Ling came to his senses, he found that he had already entered the game.

He soon discovered that the opening of "Picture of Four Seasons" was the short opening of the first version of the promotional video.

The player is indeed the drop of ink. When the ink drop enters the painting, he will follow the perspective of the ink drop and come to an ink space - this is the link of selecting a personal character.

Before the casting begins, a distant voice briefly describes the plot.

But it is said that there are many magical features in ancient paintings. When people record the beauty, over time, spirits, even immortals and gods will be born. But not everyone can do it, and in this legend, a painter not only needs an amazing talent, but also a unique pen. A painter who has reached a certain level can not only draw fairies, but also It can paint another real world, and the pen in the painter's hand is the key to the world in the painting.

Obviously, the player's character is such a painter.

"Picture of Four Seasons" has several character models to choose from:

boys and girls aged thirteen or fourteen. Young men and women of eighteen or twenty. Mature men and women in their thirties. Men and women with graying temples in their fifties.

In addition to the different age and appearance of individual characters, there is another important difference, which is that the painter has his own skills.

Children are lively and have good physical strength, and the skill CD cooldown is short, but they are definitely not as experienced as older children, so the skill coverage area will be smaller. On the contrary, those who are around 50 years old have rich experience, but their physical strength is not as good as that of young people. Their CD will be longer, their skill coverage will be wider, and at the same time, some of the probabilities will be higher.

The two middle types, the young adult type and the mature type, have basically the same skill cooldown time, but one skill is for main attack and the other is for main defense.

These four types are listed in order:

Child - has a short cooldown and randomly marks the enemy with negative status. Young Man - the main attacker, will have the same damage value as the subsequent card characters. Mature - the main defense, the painter's own blood defense is higher, and it will increase defense attributes for allies. Old Man - has a long cooldown and adds buff status to all friends.

Wei Ling glanced at it and sighed that he had evolved from a novice who didn't understand anything before, to now, he could understand these skill descriptions after reading them once.

According to what he did in "Xia Zhi" before, if he is afraid of pain, it is better to choose defense. But he was probably really hurt, and now even looking at high defense felt cruel. He hesitated for a while and chose a main attacker that he would not choose before, a twenty-year-old young painter.

The character was selected, Wei Ling entered his nickname, and then the game journey officially started.

The ink droplets penetrate downward, and Wei Ling seems to be falling downwards. People enter the real game world from the ink space just now.

As shown in the promotional video, there is silence here, with only barren soil and dead trees, dry rivers and gray skies.

There are no other colors except black, white and gray, and there are no other people or voices except Wei Ling himself.

There is not even a soundtrack. When Wei Ling stands up from the ground, there will be the sound of clothes rubbing against each other and the sound of footsteps as he walks. Because it is so quiet and empty here, this originally slight sound is infinitely amplified.

To say it's scary, it's not that bad, it just feels too desolate, empty, nothing, even time stands still. If you taste it carefully, you may feel a little sad. It seems like a forgotten world.

Wei Ling recalled the contents of the promotional video and took a few steps forward. There was a dead tree. He recalled the contents of the promotional video. He seemed to take out the card from his pocket and then use it on the same thing in the area. Already?

He touched his pocket and it opened, revealing a backpack with card slots.

There are three R cards: morning dew, rice ear, and ginkgo and

one SSR card: Beginning of Autumn.

Then there was none. Wei Ling tried to take it out and use it, but the system prompted that he was a mortal and did not have the power to use the spirit in the painting. He needed to find a medium before he could use it successfully.

medium? What is the medium? Wei Ling recalled the promotional video, but neither version mentioned this.

Wei Ling scratched his head and looked at the game interface. It was still the same as before, and there was no novice guidance. He was just about to ask the game assistant to explain to him what a medium is when he suddenly kicked something under his feet.

[System]: You have automatically picked up [shabby sickle]*1

The sickle is really old and black and white. He seems to remember, what does this kind of knife come from...?

Wei Ling looked into the distance and saw a square piece of land, and quickly took out the "rice ear" from the card backpack.

That's right! He remembered that he saw a scene in "Journey". During the autumn harvest, farmers would use sickles to harvest the ripe golden rice. After processing, the rice became rice, and rice could be used to make a lot of delicious food. That is the wisdom of working people.

Yes, autumn, harvest!

He seemed to have caught something, and instead of calling his assistant, he wanted to explore by himself for a while.

He began to search carefully nearby, and soon picked up wild goose feathers, gray maple leaves and other items. After wandering around for a long time, he finally found something unusual somewhere.

A small shrine, only half a meter high, leaning against a rock, very inconspicuous.

But there are fruits and vegetables placed in front of the shrine, which seem to be used by people for sacrifice. Wei Ling had also seen this kind of sacrifice and shrine from "Journey", and he felt that this shrine was the medium.

Wei Ling thought for a moment, placed the pile of tattered things he had just picked up in front of the shrine, and then took out the cards.

This time he chose to use it, and the system did not prompt him to find a medium, but instead reminded him to use the "pen".

Wei Ling took out the jade pen that came with his character and tapped it lightly on the shrine. A circle of ripples spread out gently, and a reduced version of the map appeared in front of him. The system prompted that he could use the pen to freely circle the size of the scroll. That is the area of ​​the region.

There are still tips here. The larger the area, the more cards players may need to use, and the slower the completion. If there are not enough cards, try to select a small area.

Wei Ling followed the prompts and framed an area with a rectangle, including the square field he had just seen. What needs to be noted here is that the shrine must be included, otherwise the player will not be able to use the power of the card.

When everything was ready, Wei Ling returned to the field and took out the "rice ear".

This time, the card decomposed into light spots from Wei Ling's hand and fell into the field. The originally bare field quickly grew into golden rice, and the ears of rice were curved, heavy and plump.

Wei Ling pursed his lips, unable to suppress the smile on his lips.

His world lit up with the first touch of color!

And when he finished admiring the beautiful colors and looked at the card backpack, the "Beginning of Autumn" card shone slightly, and the system prompted that it was more suitable to use this card at this time.

Wei Ling picked up the card and suddenly grasped what he didn't understand before.

The beginning of autumn, according to Xuetuan, is a solar term. There are several solar terms in each season, and people in ancient times would engage in different activities during different solar terms.

The beginning of autumn should be the time when the grains are ripe and suitable for harvesting, right?

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