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Chapter 162

After learning that Yan Xuezhou was still creating a new game, players, netizens and game colleagues were secretly waiting for Yan Xuezhou to release a new game promotion. They all wanted to take a look, Yan Xuezhou What kind of game is it that I have been working on since I have been missing for so long?

Living up to expectations, not long after, China officially released a promotional video for the new game.

Countless people rubbed their hands and clicked on the promotional video, opening the promotional video for the game called "Saints" with full anticipation and pickiness.

When the screen lights up, there is a melodious harp sound, ethereal and elegant. After the sound of the piano stopped, there was the soft sound of water and the noise of the city streets.

The blurry picture became clear. In the central square of the town, there was a tall statue of a god, and directly in front of the statue was the source of the sound of water - the wishing fountain.

A bard sat beside the wishing pool. He plucked the strings and smiled at the children who were sitting around him, holding hands on the ground and looking at him.

He asked the children: "What other music do you want to listen to?"

The children reported their names in a hurry, and some even shook their heads and hummed a few words, but one child raised his hands and asked loudly: "You said the sound of your piano is I learned it from the elves, so can you tell us what the leader of the elves looks like?"

As soon as these words came out, the other children all agreed, forgetting what they had just thought, and each of them opened their curious eyes and stared at Lived the bard.

The poet smiled lowly and glanced at the soldiers patrolling near the square from the corner of his eye. Then he bent down and spoke in a lowered voice.

The children were both nervous and excited by his actions. Their eyes were shining as they leaned over to listen to the poet.

The poet's lips moved, and the audience did not hear what he said clearly, but a group of children clearly heard it. Someone jumped up and cheered, attracting the attention of the soldiers, who immediately covered their mouths to suppress their excitement.

The camera panned behind the child covering his mouth. There was a notice board with the words "No entry of any race other than human race, no talking about other races allowed. If you find anything, please report it in time...".

When the scene changed, it should be the next day. Early in the morning, the bard was leaning against a big tree outside the city and playing his harp again. Something in the grass was attracted to him, but because the grass was too long, he couldn't see what it was.

The bard smiled lazily and didn't care. After a while, a group of running children arrived with red faces.

The poet stopped playing and touched the brim of his hat with his slender fingers, revealing all his facial features that he had not shown in the city before. The children stared blankly, and it took them a long time to come back to their senses.

A little girl praised him: "You are so good-looking. I heard that the elves are all very good-looking. Are they as good-looking as you?"

The poet shook his finger, "No, they are much prettier than me."

"So, today's The story starts with how many races there are in our continent of Saints, right?"

The children cheered, and those with quick hands and feet climbed up the big tree, picked off the red fruits, and handed them to their friends below. , the children sat around.

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