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☆ 116. Chapter 116

After the ceremony, Yan Xuezhou filled the wall of his office with trophies. After admiring them, he asked people to arrange celebrations. It's such a big happy event. It's time for everyone to have fun and have a party!

Happy that the fun was over, Yan Xuezhou made the free elf game as planned. He handed over the cute elves to the team responsible for cute design, and built the game framework himself.

It didn't take a long time to make the mini-game. Ten days after the award ceremony, it was officially launched on the official website of the game company and multiple game platforms. This time it is also a completely free game, and there is no threshold. I have never played their games before. Players can also play.

The cuteness, furryness, development, combat and painting style have simply shocked many cuteness lovers.

There are already many ways to play this type of pet on the market, but the one created by Yan Xuezhou is still new. The main ones are the way to capture the pet, the battle between the pet owner, and the player as a pendant. The second is the style of painting.

Games of the same type, of course the one that looks better is more attractive.

Moreover, all pets in the game can be obtained for free - those who can't wait can also recharge, but the amount of recharge is not large, and it has been well received as soon as it is released.

The name of this small game is "Elf Adventure". It is also a casual game that is suitable for all ages. It is neither annoying nor exciting. There are no NPCs popping up in the game to taunt players. Overall, it has a fairy tale feel. , is a rare act of kindness from a certain black-hearted group.

As for the veteran players who have long been accustomed to dog planning routines, when they first came to "Elf Adventure", they still felt a bit like everyone was at war. After two or three hours of safety, they were sure that this time the dog planning was a genuine conscience and there was no dirty trick.

In response to this, old players made jokes, saying that Yan Xuezhou's handle was almost broken when he won the prize, and he probably went to recuperate in a short period of time, so he had no time to torment the players. Or maybe this game was made directly by another designer in the company, and it couldn't be Yan Xuezhou himself.

Later, when Yan Xuezhou saw the type comments: ...what about the trust between people?

Although it is true that the team is responsible for most of the models and they have done a good job, the gameplay and other aspects were planned by him. How can you say it's not him?

If the players hear this question, they will definitely sneer and ask: Why do you think it is? After so many years, have you ever touched your conscience? You should reflect on why!

Reflection? No, Yan Xuezhou never engages in internal friction, he only thinks about how to consume players.

As for trust, well, forget it if you don't have it.

After "Elf Adventure" was released on the shelves, the excitement caused by the Star Alliance awards has almost subsided - here specifically refers to everyone from both China and Sky companies, as well as other peers.

"Elf" is just a small game. While Yan Xuezhou and the team were working on this game, everyone else was still focusing on the projects they were responsible for. The sixth world of "Catastrophe" has been completed and the seventh world has now begun. World, this time it's super acid rain.

This super acid rain is a bit scary. When it first falls, it will only cause rash in some people when it touches human skin. Most people will feel nothing. Gradually, raindrops falling into people's eyes will cause irritation. Pain, then skin, then extensive burns.

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