The blade looks heavy, and even if the swing is fast, it shouldn't be as fast as bullets.

As long as he can avoid it—

The Beacon Fire guard seized the time, identified the direction of Huo Yan's blade, and, utilizing the fast speed of the guardian mecha, broke through from the opponent's diagonal. This time, he firmly locked the direction of the opponent's weapon, decisively changing direction at the moment when Huo Yan raised the blade.

Everyone in the live broadcast room thought that the Beacon Fire guard was finally going to break through, but they saw the tank mecha's blade suddenly swing horizontally. The originally vertically slashed blade instantly turned into a horizontal slash, and the shock produced by the blade wind rushed out horizontally, hitting the mecha trying to escape again!

[Horizontal slash?!]


[I didn't even notice the shock range when he slashed vertically just now.]

"This is a large-range blade wind when swung out from a long distance!" The commentator hesitated before saying, "KID's tank carrying this weapon should have a shock-type ability crystal. It's normal to have a broad range... Many melee weapons have linear attacks, but Huo Yan's prediction is too accurate."

Many people in the live broadcast room had watched team battle matches before, and they used to feel that KID's matches were chaotic.

But now they suddenly realized that this group of seemingly chaotic mecha pilots from KID had their own confidence in chaos.

[I suddenly remembered that in the previous KID matches, Yan could always protect other KID mecha pilots very well.]

[Yes, I remember the cheating match of the DE team. When Trace was almost hit, Yan rushed to him to block the attack at the first time.]

Even though the linear attack was long-range, and the range was broad, it was undoubtedly within the weapon forging range allowed by the Alliance. However, in such an ordinary linear attack, Huo Yan could accurately predict the escape direction of the Beacon Fire guard every time.

Everyone in the live broadcast room looked again at the tank mecha, which was clearly the least threatening. It had no outstanding attack ability, no super-high movement speed, and no surprise feeling of getting a headshot with each shot. Yet, just by standing in that position, it could give others a tremendous sense of oppression.

Tank mecha blocking a control-equipped guardian mecha?! Who would have thought of this situation?

But KID did stop it.

Inside the polluted area, the Beacon Fire guard realized that the tank in front of him was not simple. The linear shock distance of the light blade was not terrifying; what was frightening was this man's precise prediction. Even if he predicted the direction of Huo Yan's blade, he couldn't predict the path of Huo Yan's blade.

If it were a long distance, he could completely escape Huo Yan's control. However, crucially, this was a short distance, surrounded by debris, and his movement speed, even if fast, could not escape Huo Yan's control range before he swung the blade.

On the other side of the separated battlefield, the other four KID mechas faced the four mechas of Beacon Fire.

The lineup of the Beacon Fire four mechas against KID was not advantageous at all. Two of them carried control weapons, the medic and tank were both defensive types, and the only output position for the whole team was the artillery captain of Gale. On the other hand, KID's side had the semi-tank Lin Yao, the stealth expert Ji Qingfeng, the high-output artillery You Su, and the functional control mecha Lu Xi.

[1] Genius Mechanicजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें