No matter how powerful an S-class mecha was, its core was still in the mecha's core. If the cockpit was damaged, the mecha's intelligence would also be restricted.

Upon hearing this reply, You Su directly said to the nearby medical mecha, "Open it directly, prioritize saving people."

The external penetration hole on the cockpit of Mecha Yuan was very obvious. The medical mecha could only use special tools to disassemble the outer panels of the cockpit routinely. The vibrating environment brought great difficulties to all operations, but fortunately, among the border army, there was a medical mecha with dual skills, rich in repair knowledge. He chose to operate the tools at the first opportunity.

The disassembly by the medical mecha was much rougher than that by the repair technician, but fortunately, Mecha Yuan was only penetrated and worn out, without damaging other components. The entire disassembly process went smoother than expected.

However, when the cockpit door opened, the dim cockpit environment supplied a continuous stream of oxygen. The male pilot was unconscious in the pilot seat, and the mechanical middle part suffered a penetrating injury. The broken mechanical arm was split into two, with some mechanical parts still connected. The disconnected part could vaguely see the mechanical nerves inside.

KID and the people from Gale were speechless when they saw this. The medical mecha who was responsible for disassembling the cockpit also had a stunned look.

There was a very obvious penetration point on the back of the cockpit seat. When Mecha Yuan took the risk to charge forward, the pollutant tentacle attacked the front of the cockpit seat. The young man seemed to have anticipated this and probably used the mechanical arm to block the fatal blow at that time. What was astonishing was that in such an environment, he could think so calmly, switching to the Flowing Fire Sword to extract the abnormal crystal. It was as if the pain caused by the breaking of the mechanical arm during the destruction of the tentacle was inconsequential to him.

"...How did he continue to operate at that time?" the medical mecha asked.

But at this moment, Huo Yan shouted, "Exposed environment, quickly bring the person out."

His voice immediately woke up everyone else. Before he spoke, the cockpit of the white mecha on the other side had already opened.

You Su's mecha entered standby mode automatically, and he jumped out of the open cockpit, going from the medical mecha's arm into the cockpit. His movements were very fast. Upon contact with Mecha Yuan, he was exceptionally careful. He positioned the injured hand of Mecha Yuan properly and lifted the unconscious person from the chair.

Colonel Lu had seen many injured soldiers, but someone like Mecha Yuan was the first time he had seen a mecha pilot like this.

He was clear-headed and rational. He could recklessly seize the initiative at a critical moment, and he could think of the most appropriate way to deal with changes precisely down to the millisecond. At this point, Colonel Lu couldn't figure out how this person thought.

Colonel Lu: "Notify the control room to prepare the medical team!"

"Colonel, the control room is ready. Let's evacuate as soon as possible!" a soldier said.

Hearing that the medical team was ready, the worried mecha pilots relaxed slightly.

However, things were not over yet. Escaping from the Koria pollution zone was the current priority.

You Su forcibly invaded Mecha Yuan's consciousness and brought it into the key of Apprehension, carrying Mecha Yuan back to the cockpit. By now, the ground had cracked open several trenches, and in the distance, mechas continued to fly out from the direction of the base station. When flying out, they also saw YDS and people from the Second Star Domain.

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