Thor Odinson

    Thor, he's like an unmovable force of brute strength and will but at the same time this incredibly sweet teddy bear of a man. He's so considerate to his mother, respectful to his father, and so very sweet to you. He's everything you wanted in a person really, he is. You love the way he carries you despite your protests to walk on your own, how he always knows just the right thing to say even if he doesn't realize it. His curiosity and loyalty, the list goes on and on. You were used to waking up with Thor next to you, he was very concerned that you would think he's left you alone and thus, no matter what he has going on he will make time to see you wake. The two of you had fallen asleep but you knew that he would not always be there when you woke up, more like storm in worried later but you weren't nearly as worried. You felt the bed shift and it made you wake up, it was his weight leaving the bed, "Maiden, I must attend to some business but I will return shortly and we shall relax before the start of your day" you were out again after he kissed your forehead and left. You woke up again to see that he had kept his promise and now lay asleep next to you. You watched him, he was a very loud sleeper but you had gotten used to his snore quite quickly. You placed your delicate fingers in his hair, moving it from his face and waking him up in the process. "Good morning!" he boomed and you chuckled "good morning, Love, what would you like to do today?" he pulled you on top of him making you lay there and smiled "this is lovely enough, must we get up?" you kissed him before resting your head above his heart. So what if things had to be done? They would get done. . .later.

Loki Laufeyson

     Loki didn't sleep much with you, he was always worried about something and so he would stay with you until you fell asleep and then head back to his own room. He is misunderstood, a lot like you, but he never seemed to mind that anyone else didn't understand him because you did and that is all that matters. You are always there for him, like he tries to be with you. You love him, his attitude and his snarky remarks about everyone in Asgard. It was like he always had something to say and no matter what it was, it was interesting or funny. Even when he was trying to be serious and cracked a joke by accident and looked at you like you were being rude you loved him. You didn't like sleeping alone, you felt safer with him beside you because he always knew when you were going to have a nightmare or when you couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep. You've only every woke up to him once before and you loved that moment, it was peaceful and made you happy. You knew Loki wasn't the type though and never expect him to stick around after you fall asleep though. You felt the warmth of the morning sun creeping up your bed and cracked open your eyes, clearly not happy at all that you were awake until you felt an arm over your stomach. You would have jumped  up and screamed if you hadn't known who it belonged too. You took a deep calming breath and turned your head, leaving your body laying straight out as to not move his arm. He was actually asleep, he never slept much so when he did it was both relieving and worrisome. He looked angry but the moment you put your hand on his cheek his face relaxed and he turned to face you. "You looked angry" you smiled but he didn't say anything, looking like he was lost in thought "what bothers you?" he cracked a small, very small smile "I like this." he stated simply and you didn't ask what he meant, assuming he meant about sleeping next to you. You enjoyed the moment until his brother decided to ruin it.

Clint Barton

     Clint is a sweet and funny man, he cares about his friends and even more so about those he loves. He's strong but stubborn, rude but sweet at the same time. You love everything he is and all he has to offer you and even though your lives are dangerous and busy you find time for one another. You love sleeping next to him or, really, against him because he sprawls out while he sleeps making you more like a teddy bear. You love it though, getting to curl up against him was the safest feeling in the world. You've slept together and woken up together on numerous occasions but it never gets old because his good morning smiles make your day that much better. You had gotten home very late, missions are missions after all and they tend to end when they decide to and not when you would like them too. You collapsed in the bed only able to kick off your shoes and toss your jacket to the side before falling asleep. By morning you woke up in a tee and shorts and curled up against Clint under the sheets. You couldn't remember how you had gotten there or when you changed but you didn't think too much on it because Clint took all of your attention away from that. "Morning, Beautiful" he grinned and pulled you into a tight hug kissing the top of your head before releasing you out of his iron grip. You were laying on your back looking at him to the side "I see you had a rough mission" he pointed to the matted and dried mud in your hair "but you're safe and here with me, so, I forgive your messiness!" he declared and you both broke out laughing. "Me, messy? Please there would be laundry all over this place and food everywhere if I didn't clean it up!" you joked with him but had to get up and shower. "Yeah, you tell yourself that!" he called out as you shut the bathroom door. You showered and cleaned up before crawling into bed with him, "I get the day off because of that mission, wanna put it to some good use?" he smirked and kissed you "pancakes?" he jumped up "duh!"

James "Bucky" Barnes

          From day one you adored Bucky's personality, he was charming and funny but very serious and strict about what he was going to do with his life. That was until he went through all of that Hydra mess but to you, he was still the same man you loved back then. There was something about him that drew you in and you loved that. He'd insecure and nervous but even through that you always stuck by him and he's told you how much that's meant to him. You love spending time with him, love how happy he makes you feel and how carefree you are with him. You feel like nothing in the world is wrong when he holds you and his good morning kisses are breathtaking. The two of you have spent many days and nights together, keeping each other company through nights where one couldn't sleep because of the nightmares and days where you didn't think you'd be able to hide anymore. You were rather inseparable, you meant the world to one another but there was something that you loved above all else. Something that made you happier than his constant compliments, waking up knowing he was right by your side throughout the night. Knowing that he was there and that he slept peacefully, you were both used like dogs so it was nice to have that person always next to you when you need them. You woke up to the annoying sound of an alarm, you grumbled but when you reached for the clock a hand was already there. Opening your eyes you met Bucky's and he was smiling "morning" his smile soon became contagious and you smiled back at him. You hated getting up but you had no choice, "do I get my good morning kiss?" you chuckled mostly kidding with him but he took it seriously. Grabbing your face in his hands ever so gently as not to hurt you he kissed you with as much passion and feeling as every other kiss he gave you. You were left blushing and smiling like a teenage girl getting her first kiss. You flopped back onto your pillow content with laying in bed all day long "want to skip out? I'm sure the worst thing that'll happen is we get yelled at, they can't really 'fire' us you know" he pointed out hovering over you. You grinned "well, yeah, I mean I didn't really want to go in anyways." You both spent the day getting millions of angry voice mails from Fury about not missing work and blah, blah, blah but all you two cared about what each other.

Sam Wilson

      Sam was such a sweet and compassionate man, full of life and fun and you loved him. You loved his drive for life and his ability to stay so true to himself despite everything going on around him. You adored the way he smiled and the depth in his eyes. The way he laughed and how he held you, there was nearly nothing about the man that you didn't love. You two spent so much time apart that being together for any amount of time was special even if it was just spending the day in bed or hanging out on the sofa watching television. You had time off because of a pulled muscle and needed rest because of it. Sam had been so worried when you told him that he rushed home to be with you for the first night. He was sleeping next to you, arm over your waist and snores coming from his mouth. You were almost always the first to wake up and when you did you liked to spend some time just laying with him. You rolled into his side, moving slowly as to not wake him or hurt yourself further. Something about his peaceful face made you smile, he looked so calm and relaxed. "Goodmorning, Sam." You whispered kissing his shoulder. "Hmm, morning." He grumbled out and you chuckled. "Five more minutes?" You asked and he nodded falling back to sleep almost instantly. You simply enjoyed it for the time you could, every peaceful moment you two could have was one you would cherish.

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