Late Night Musings

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Steve Rogers

      It was late when both of you had made it home from the many things that leave a super soldier and his lovely secretary very busy. After a shower and changing into some night clothes you two were curled up together in bed. You rested in his arms with your head on his shoulder as you started thinking about all the random things your brain could come up with right before you fall asleep. "Hey, Steve?" you whispered in the darkness. "Hm?" He said and it was clear he was already half asleep. "Do you think I'd be a good mom? I mean I'm not sure why I'm talking about this now, it's so late." You kept rambling about it quietly before his arm pulled you tight and he kissed your head. "You will be a wonderful mother, you are incredibly kind an understanding but right now I think you need some sleep. No?" You yawned a nodded. "Sorry, that was random. Goodnight, Cap." He gave you a sleepy groan and with a small laugh, you fell asleep as well.

Tony Stark

        It was late and you sat on a chair in the lab where Tony did most of his work from, you were nose deep in a wonderful book with music playing in the background that you had long since drowned out. You were unaware of Tony's internal struggling at the moment as he watched you from the corner of his eyes. He was baffled as to how someone so sweet and strong could love him like you did. "Hey, Sweetcheeks?" He asked turning the music nearly off. "Yes?" You asked looking up from your book. "Why do you love someone like me?" He asked and for a moment you were surprised before you smiled. "Because you are a wonderfully sweet man with so much personality and uniqueness that I could never hope to find in anyone else." You stood on numbing legs and walked to him, placing a hand gently on his cheek before giving him a smile and whispering "And you're awfully cute too." He gave you a peck on the lips and smile as well.

Bruce Banner

        You both sat comfortably in bed with the bedside light on so that the both of you could read before you went to sleep. It was a nightly routine that the both of you enjoyed as quality time with one another. It wasn't until halfway through your book that you felt the occasional look from him, and you'd catch him glance occasionally as you looked over to him. It wasn't until you asked him that he finally relented and asked you in a soft unsure voice, "How can you sit there so relaxed next to me, how can you trust me like you do?" you smiled. For a moment you thought about it and whispered, "You know, some things are just that easy to do. I believe in you for the both of us, I trust you because I love you. There is no science for that." You gave him a peck on the cheek and he smiled, reassured for the time being.

Thor Odinson

          It was a common sight here on the castle's balcony where the two of you spent some of your most calm and intimate moments. You had told Thor that you would meet him as soon as you were done helping his mother. It was late by the time you finally made your way to the spot where he was waiting. While you walked up to him you could hear him whispering to himself, most of it was hard to make out but you did manage to catch the last part of his ramblings. "Am I strong enough to protect her?" You smiled and walked up to him, "I believe you are." You said and placed your arm through his to hold him close to you. "I am sorry, I did not mean to ramble." You shook your head and looked up at him with understanding eyes. "We all have our doubts, our questions but I am here to offer my answers. I believe you are strong in every way, Thor." He kissed your head and said, "If it is something you believe then I shall do so as well."

Loki Laufeyson

     You loved the gardens of the castle, you spent many sleepless nights or tiresome days there. It was often a place where you and Loki would spend quiet time together, many times it would be in silence while other times the two of you would have some rather pleasant endless conversations. Today was a late day with the guards and you were excited to spend some late night star-gazing time in the gardens. You found a familiar figure sitting near your spot musing quietly to himself but with how quiet it was you were able to hear him. "Ah, she may have some questionable physical strength she has quite a high intellect. It is admirable, I just wonder if I am enough for her? Do I offer here everything she needs?" You smiled at first it was a smug smile but then it softened to one of genuine care. "There is no soul on this planet or any other more suited for me, then you are. You are everything I need, Loki." You took a seat next to him as he went quiet with surprise and embarrassment. "Well, I would have rather you never heard any other that but I am pleased to hear those words from you." He said with a soft smirk on his face and you went on to tease him but neither of you would have it any other way.

Clint Barton

       It was well past midnight as the two of you talked in the rafters again, sometimes it would be dawn before you two would get home to sleep but it was always a wonderful time talking with him. You were sitting in a brief silence enjoying the sounds of the near nothingness around the two of you. You felt his eyes on you and you instinctively gave a 'hm?' as a response to the feeling but he was quiet. You turned to face him and he looked conflicted, "What's the matter?" You asked resting your head on his shoulder. "Am I too old for you?" You quirked an eyebrow. "Clint we aren't that much different in age, why would you think you're too old for me? I couldn't care less about how much older or younger you are then I am as long as you love me like I love you." He seemed happy enough with your response but still didn't offer a proper explanation as to why he was thinking about it, to begin with.

James "Bucky" Barnes

            You and Bucky always liked to lay in bed and talk about your days, it was great to be able to vent to him or just discuss things that you didn't agree with and visa versa. It was late and you two were just talking about anything and everything that came to mind when he became quiet. It wasn't an odd thing but when he was mid-sentence that would be. "Are you okay, Bucks?" You turned over onto your side in bed facing him. He looked like he was contemplating whether or not to tell you what was on his mind. "You can tell me anything, you know that." With a little encouragement, he started up again. "I was just going to ask if you think I'd be a good dad?" He said in a small voice and you smiled grabbing his hand firmly. "Yes, I do. I think you'd be a great dad, full of love and compassion. They'd so be a daddy's boy or girl because you are a gem." You said matter-of-factly. He offered a smile, content now.

Sam Wilson

           It had not been a good day for you but you forget about most of that when it comes to spending time with Sam. You were both enjoying a few drinks well into the night when the booze started to get to you, making you remember. "Sam?" You asked, tossing your final drink for the night into the garbage bin. "Yeah?" He said the drinks hadn't hit him as hard. "Am I a good person? I mean I try to be but I feel like I fail miserably at it." You huffed curling up on your side on the couch with your head resting in his lap. "Yes, you are a great person full of life you've just seen more of the bad this world has to offer than most. It makes you a real, honest person." You had nerve heard Sam speak so seriously before and in your buzzed mind, it made your worry vanish if only for the moment.

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