119. Cavities 🍭🧁🍬🍫

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As Maximo drove onto the Rivers' property, I could see A.B. and Monica standing outside. Once he parked the car, Maximo got out the front seat and opened the back door. He helped me out.

"Thank you, Maximo," I told him.

"I'm going to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Rivers about having a body guard with us."

I nodded my head as I walked over to A.B. and Monica.

Before I could speak, Monica ran and hugged me. "Cousin, are you okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah..." I looked at A.B.

He said, "Let's go inside."

We all took the side door entrance and headed to my bedroom.

"Where's everybody else?" I asked them.

Monica answered, "Zack is probably in his room somewhere, Zeke is taking a business call, Warren and Bridgette are watching the news in the kitchen, and Cathy is outside getting some air. Oh, and Zell is sleeping."

I opened my bedroom door and immediately sat on my bed. I grabbed my phone and checked for updates. These are the times I wish I was on social media, but I know I can always go to YouTube for a live video and Twitter with a hashtag.

Monica sat next to me on the bed. She looked at my phone. "I thought you witnessed everything. Why are you looking it up?" She asked me.

I shook my head. "I was in a meeting. There were protestors outside, but I never saw them. Then, I heard that someone was shooting."

A.B. spoke up, "Ricky Santana was entering the building when a protestor ran towards him. Ricky's security pulled out their gun and shot the protestor. Well, that was the initial story. Now, the news is saying the protestor grabbed the security guard's gun, and the protestor accidentally shot themself."

I arched my brow. "What?" Then, I thought about the scene in the parking garage. I told A.B. and Monica about T'keyna Brown's mom. "It was really sad to hear her scream and crying about her daughter. She kept saying Ricky said he would protect her daughter. She just wants answers."

Monica added, "RiSe Records is getting messier by the day."

My phone vibrated. I looked at the screen to see Rochelle's name. I answered it.

"Hi, Jamie. I just heard about what happened. Are you okay? Were you at the RiSe Tower today?"

I replied, "Hi, Rochelle. I was there, but I'm okay."

"Glad you're okay. I just wanted to update you on the lawsuit. It will be ready tomorrow. When you say the word, it's a go."

I sighed, "With everything that's been happening between RiSe Records and Ricky, do you think it's a good time to do this?"

"Everything that's going on is working in your favor. If they try to settle, then that means the ball is in your court," Rochelle continued, "You will win no matter what happens."

I sighed before looking over at A.B.

He looked up from his phone and our eyes met.

"Hold on, Rochelle." I put my phone on mute.

I said, "I need to know really quick what y'all think. Should I sue RiSe Records now or wait till later?" I looked between Monica and A.B.

Monica immediately answered, "Why are you asking us? Sue them for every penny, nickel, dime, quarter, dollar bill with Washington on it - all the way up to the Benjamins!"

I held my hand up to stop my cousin. "I got it."

A.B. walked over from the door and to the window. Then, he turned to me. "Do you want peace now or later?" 

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