102. Be Careful ⚠️

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Before the day could end, I decided to practice my choreography for the New Year's Eve party. Monica was my hype-man for all of ten minutes before she was summoned to date night with Zeke. I didn't tell her that A.B. went back to East Grove. I figured she'd find out when he wasn't with us on our way to the party.

After a two-hour practice, I took a shower. When I came out, I found a bag of food on my bed with a drink. I thought it was from Monica until I saw a note in the bag that read:

Forgive me for entering your room. As the owner, I do have a key, but I did lock the door  after my exit. I hope you like steak. The drink is sparkling lemonade. If you have some time to spare, let's talk at our hang-out spot around 7 p.m. - Cathy.

I smiled. Cathy was slowly becoming one of my favorite people. I went through the containers to see steak, lobster, chopped potatoes, cooked vegetables, and pasta. She knows how to feed a person. I quickly got dressed before grabbing the bag of food and drink. I left my room and made my way downstairs to the backyard where the comfortable wicker furniture was staged.

Cathy sat in one of the chairs, reading a book with some kind of bookmark-flashlight.

Cathy sat in one of the chairs, reading a book with some kind of bookmark-flashlight

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"Hope I'm not interrupting." I walked over to the sofa and took a seat.

"Of course not." Cathy closed her book.

I started to open my food containers. "Thank you so much for this. I was either gonna make another sandwich or go to bed hungry."

"You're welcome. Feel free to contact me if you're ever hungry or need anything. I put my phone number on the back of the note I left you."

I hope I didn't throw it away. "Thank you!"

Cathy waited a few seconds before saying, "I met your cousin."

My eyes grew with surprise. How could I forget that Monica is dating Cathy's son.

She asked me, "How close are the two of you?"

I admitted, "Like sisters."

Cathy nodded her head. "She's nowhere near the type of woman Zeke normally dates. Well, neither were you."

"We were faking it." I reminded her.

Cathy giggled, "I know... I'm just trying to understand when my son's taste in women changed."

I recalled the women Zeke's dated before - older celebrity women. Monica was none of that.

"I have a feeling he wants to marry your cousin."


"Yes, and I cannot wait. I watched some of her videos on YouTube. She's a witty girl. I subscribed to her channel, too."

I listened while eating my food.

Cathy's face was full of light as she spoke. "She's an extrovert for sure. Zeke is only outgoing when he has to be. And she's beautiful just like you, but shorter and--" Cathy moved her hands in a wavy motion.

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