114. How Could I Forget? 🎂

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My phone vibrated. I received a text from A.B. It was an entire itinerary for the day.

I looked up from my phone. "This is for today? As in the seven hours left before midnight?"

A.B. smiled at me, "I made plans for tomorrow, too. Originally, I planned to split everything up between today and tomorrow, but when you said you don't have any plans, I went upstairs to set everything up for today."

I put one hand on my hip. "What if I don't want to?"

A.B. asked, "Pottery? Escape Room? Virtual Reality? Mini Golf? You can't say those don't sound fun." His facial expression put a smile on my face. 

I repeated, "We're doing all this in seven hours?"

"To be precise - six hours and thirty minutes." He glanced at his phone. "Whatever we don't finish, I expect for you to reimburse me. All these activities are non-refundable."

I grinned, "I see what you did, sir. You're trying to make sure I go along, but I'm a no woman. So, you--" I stopped myself. I really do talk too much. Now, I know I sound crazy to him.

"A what woman?" A.B. inquired.

I shook my head. "Nevermind. We can go now." I turned around, headed for the door.

A.B. stepped in front of me. "What does that mean? A no woman?"

I put my phone away as I stared into his eyes. "It means I'm in charge. If you don't like it, then you'll try to either persuade me to do things your way or leave me for good. But if you like it, you'll do what I'll say."

A.B. scratched his head. "That sounds like a game."

I smirked, "Then call it a game, because I have said yes to just about everything you want to do; everything you ask me. Unfortunately, it's not working out for me."

"And that's why you think saying no to me will work?"

I clapped my hands. "Correct."

"Jamie, that sounds like you're not being honest."

I argued, "Monica did it, and she got everything."

A.B. thought before replying, "You're not Monica, and I'm glad for that."

I was ready to make my second point, but I ended up laughing. "You're glad that I'm not my cousin?" Okay. That sounded a lot better in my head.

A.B. sighed, "I'm not saying that being a-uh-a no woman doesn't work. It just doesn't work on me. I've had the pleasure of getting to know you, Jamie. I like what I know about you, what I continue to learn about you, and I can't wait to find out more about you." He continued, "I like your awkwardness, your boldness, your silliness, your friendliness, your carefulness, your helpfulness. You have a heart of gold. You're kind and thoughtful. You're a hard worker which is a rare trait to find these days."

How can he give me all these compliments without giving me the heads-up? It helped that no one else was around to hear this.

"Do you know what else I like about you? I like your eyes, your lips, your laugh, your voice, your body, the way you walk, your scent, the way you dress, your disguise as Jae, your music, your performances... I like that when you're curious about things, you ask. I like when you get mad, because you never take it too far. I like that you listen, I like that you're getting serious about your faith, and that you are comfortable around me. I like who you are, because there is no one else like you. That's how I know you were made for me."

I slowly closed my eyes. "You like a lot about me."

I felt his hand on my cheek. "I could change 'like' into 'love' but you're trying to be a 'no woman' by making us late to our pottery class."

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