80. Wanted 🤼

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"Wake up, sleepy head."

At the sound of the baritone voice, I slowly opened my eyes to see my cousin smiling at me. I quickly sat up in bed. "Monica!"

She chuckled, "Gotcha!"

I sighed, "What time is it? And what are you doing here?"

"Girl, it's almost eight o'clock in the morning. E and I are going to the airport in a few hours. We're flying on a private plane to Houston, Texas. I've never been on a private plane before. I can't believe my boyfriend is The Zeke Rivers." Monica closed her eyes as she fell  backwards onto the bed. 

I yawned. 

Monica added, "Since we got some time to kill. What do you want to do?"

I stretched my arms before making eye contact with her. "First, I want to apologize to you--"

"Apology accepted," she interrupted me. "You know I was never mad at you. Well, I was, because you been holding in all those emotions instead of letting them out. When I went back and thought about it, I realized that you did let it all out and that was when we were at the restaurant which means you should feel better now. Right? Or do you regret what you and A.B. did since you are in his bed?" She questioned me.

I stated, "A.B. and I are not together in any way, shape or form."

Monica arched her brow. "We'll find out in nine months."

I ignored her comment. "Speaking of... where is A.B., and how did you get in here?"

Monica sat up. "I called A.B. and he let me in. He's at the gym. Also, Aunt Jackie called me, because you didn't go home last night. She wanted to know what was going on, because I dropped your luggage off there. I told her there was a misunderstanding and that I was supposed to take your bags to A.B.'s house."

My eyes grew big. "Did you tell my mama that I spent the night at A.B.'s house?"

"It was an accident. Funny thing is, Aunt Jackie laughed and said your luggage needs to be with you at A.B.'s house. So, I told her that I would pick it up and relay the message. That was about an hour ago. Aunt Jackie said she'll see you later on today, and your luggage is right there." She pointed at my suitcase at the edge of the bed.

I buried my face into the palms of my hands. Whyyyyyyyyy???

Monica rubbed my back. "It's okay, cousin. Our parents know we can't be their babies forever. We both got menseses now. Just make sure you're taking your vitamins regularly. We're not ready for BJ and Baby Bop just yet." 

I rolled my eyes as I quickly got out of bed. I grabbed my suitcase and rolled it to the bathroom with me to freshen up. Fifteen minutes later, I put on my shoes and left Monica in A.B.'s apartment. I took the elevator downstairs to the gym. Even though I was still tired, I had to talk to A.B.

When I arrived at the gym, I spotted him lifting a barbell while lying on the bench press. Why couldn't he be doing something else like walking on the treadmill? 

I made my way over to him. Were there any rules to bench pressing? I stood off to the side, waiting for him to finish. After three more presses, A.B. rested the barbell on the rack above his head. Then, he sat up. 

Our eyes met. 

"Good morning!" He grabbed his towel and wiped his forehead before standing up. "I thought you'd still be asleep," he told me.

I folded my arms. "Good morning. I would've been asleep if America's Most Annoying didn't wake me up. Why did you let her in your apartment?"

A.B. smirked, "She called and said she was bringing your luggage and that she wanted to talk to you. I told her you were sleeping, and I was already coming down to the gym."

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