"I'm okay with that" I said also standing up.

|The Next Day|

So we went with what Dean had suggested. He wanted to show me around Vegas for a little bit and then you know we will get ready for Christmas Eve. We were just looking at what was around.

"So I know this isn't much but here is one of my favorite parks" he said as we arrived there.

"So what are we gonna be doing for Christmas Eve?" I asked him.

"Okay, so most people wouldn't do this but you know that I love walking and running on the mountains so I was thinking that we can have like a Christmas Eve dinner there on top of a mountain. Also have a glass of wine" he suggested.

"That is not a bad idea" I said. He shrugged.

"I though so as well. Also it literally just came up in my mind just now" he laughed. I shook my head.

"It doesn't matter. It's still think it's a great idea" I said snuggling into him. He put his arms around me.

"I thought it would be romantic" he said.

"I think it really is" I said.

"I also just want to make this Christmas great for you. Knowing that you are one of the most special person to me. I wanted to make it special"

"It really doesn't matter where we are. As long as I am with you then it's perfect already. This moment right now it perfect. Just being with you is everything that I wished for." I said. He was looking at me as I said it. He leaned in and then gave me a kiss. I kissed him back and we kissed for a few minutes and then pulled away.

"You are the most incredible person ever that has stepped on this earth" he said looking into my eyes.

"You are too" I said.

"This moment really is something" he said. I just snuggled into him more so that it just looked like now we were hugging. His hands were on my back.

"Okay let's talk about work for a little bit" he said. I looked at him.

"So are gonna continue to feud against Paige or are you gonna get a new feud when we go back?" he asked me.

"Well The Bella Twins and I were talking about me going for the Divas Title. Of course I would understand whatever they did in the ring that they didn't mean. It would just be a storyline" I said.

"I think the fans would enjoy that. Also me. Just as long as they don't mean no harm then yeah it would be great" he said.

"They won't . We pretty much talked about it. They would be sorry of what they have to do to me but when we get backstage then we are gonna be best friends again" I said.

Believe in Me (WWE Dean Ambrose Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now