Father Daughter Dance (Wedding)

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Okay so next suggestion had 2, but since I dont have time to do them both, I'll do one out of them.
The comment said:

1) How about Ashley beats up her boyfriend after he hits her.

2) How Ashley asks Hank to a father and Daughter Dance

I picked number 2 but I'm changing it a bit.

Ashley, aged 24 was set to marry her love of her life. Jay and Will were thankfully alright with it. However, they were going as her brothers. She had no father figure to walk her down the asle or even have her father daughter dance with.

She then had the idea to ask Jay's and her's father figure.
Hank Voight.

She was thankfully working for Hank so she walked into his office and closed the door.
Hank had been looking after her since she was born. So this wasn't exactly new. He was there whenever she needed him.

"What's up kiddo?" Voight asked.
"I have a question for you...." She stated.
"What is it?" Voight asked gently.
"Can you... Be like my father on my wedding?" She asked.
"What do you mean?" Voight asked, slightly confused.
"I want you to walk me down the asle... Then have a father daughter dance with me..." Ashley explained.
"Sure, I'll do that. Now head off, you have work to do." He smirked.

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