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Ashley Halstead had always struggled to deal with bullies at school. However one day it got a bit too hard for her, so she went to the first person she could think of. Hank Voight. One of her many father figures.
She was only 8 at this time.

She got into the station from school before waiting for her brother to be sent out. She then instantly headed into Voights office.

"What's up kiddo?" He asked, not even looking up from his work.
"Can I talk to you?" She asked.
"Sure." He nodded, looking up to her.

After a lot of explaining, she ended up leaning on Hank, in a hug as she just cried.

She wasn't aware what happened that night, but the bullies she once had. They never came near her. They seemed...Frightened.

Halstead Siblings One-shots Where stories live. Discover now