Fainted (Home)

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Ashley was 15. She was spending a day at home with her two brothers. Who surprisingly didn't need to go into work today. She was layed in her bedroom, specifically laid in her bed. This was alright of course, but the thing that wasn't alright was that she was a 15 year old. Controlling mostly all of her meals. Meaning, her Iron was low. Like any other 15 year old.

She had been layed down for over 3 hours, seeing as it was a break day. However as tea time came along, (This is the meal late at night) She was called.

"Ash! Time for tea!" Jay yelled.
"Coming!" Ashley had yelled back.

She jumped straight out of bed, getting ready to step forwards. However everything went black and she had no idea what happened.

"Did you call her?" Will asked after a minute.
"I did..." Jay nodded.
"Wonder why she's not down yet." Will shrugged.
"I'll grab her." Jay sighed, heading upstairs and going in her room. However, seeing th girl on the ground, not moving, he instantly rushed over, turning her over. "Will!" He screamed.

Will ran up a minute later with his medical bag. Usually when any of them screamed for Will, it meant that someone was hurt.

"What happened?" He asked, rushing to her side. Helping Jay move her onto the bed. He then clipped something to her finger.

After a bit, she slowly awoke and the two brothers just smiled to her. Jay sat on the bed right beside her, while Will was a bit busy holding an ice pack to the bruise on her head.

"Hey there Ash. You gonna stop swan diving?" Will asked.
"yeah Sorry.... What happened?" She asked.
"Your irons just a bit low. Sorry kiddo." Will smiled, helping her sit up. Holding her as she went through a bit of a dizzy spell.

After that, Will helped her up before taking her by the waist before taking her downstairs.

"You don't need to help me. I'm not dizzy anymore." She complained.
"I'm your doctor, I know what you need." He said, helping her sit down.
"Your my brother. Not my doctor." She explained.
"yeah yeah, Sit down and eat." He laughed.

jay just sat down, starting to eat with her and Will.

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