First Day on The Job

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Ashley was 19, away from home for police training. They apparently remained there till they found a job. Or they decided to quit.

The youngest was Ashley, but second youngest was a 23 year old male.
She had grown accustomed to her last name. Infact, no one seemed to call her by her name at all.

She got into the building where they usually all met up for fitness training since it was fitness training today. Keeping her bag on her back. It was normal for the 'teachers' to tell them to keep their bags, coats, and everything on. Because the chances of fitness coming when they weren't prepared, was high.

"HALSTEAD!" A voice yelled.
"Yes sir?" She asked, rushing over.
"Meeting room 2." He stated.
She nodded and went to the meeting room.

"Halstead." A woman smiled as she walked in.
"Yes Ma'am?" She asked.
"Someone is here to give you a job." She smiled, motioning to Hank, right beside her.
"I'm asuming from your grades and fitness, that your ready for it. So how about it, kid?" He asked.
"S-Sure!" She smiled.

Hank drove her to the station since she usually runs to where she goes.

As soon as she stepped inside, Trudy handed her two things. A gun and a badge.

As they were going up the stairs, she realised it said Detective I.

"Hey, Hank. Why does it say Detective I?" She asked.
"Because your skipping a few stages." Hank smiled. "You've learnt a lot during your childhood years. No point making you learn them again." He added.

They got upstairs and she hid behind the wall.

"Right everyone. New Detective. Detective Ashley Halstead." He spoke. She rushed up and smiled.
Jay's eyes widened and he instantly rushed over, pulling her into a tight hug.

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