Their sister

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Will and Jay were already adults by the time their sister had turned three years old.
Their mum had passed away the day she gave birth to her. Although it had been expected. When she had first got pregnant, the newly doctor Will had explained the risks of her age, having a natural birth. As expected, she passed away due to the amount of blood loss.

Of course, Ashley still had her dad. He however had heart problems. So when Ashely turned 3, and he had a heart attack. It wasn't much of a surprise.

It was the evening at the hospital. Maggie was sat with Ashley, waiting for Jay and Will to arrive. Will was at home before, and Jay was working.

They soon walked into the hospital and straight to Maggie.

"Why is Ashley here?" Will asked as Jay picked up his sister, holding her against his chest and bouncing her gently.
"Her dad was brought in with her. He had a heart attack just this morning." Maggie explained.
"Is he?" Will asked.
"Afraid so." Maggie nodded.

"Doctor Halstead, Detective Halstead." A woman spoke behind them. They turned to see a woman. "Hello, I'm Claire, I work with child services. I need to be made aware if you two are willing to take Ashley into your care, or if I'm to take her to someone who is able to look after her." Claire explained.
"We'll take her in. She's our sister." Will explained instantly, taking her from Jay.
"That's fine." The woman smiled, having the two of them sign some forms before leaving.

"Will, Jay. Are you wanting to see... Your dad?" Maggie asked, walking back over.
"No, it's fine. We knew it was coming." Jay shook his head.

Jay didn't return to work that night, he phoned Hank and made him aware of the situation. of course, he said it was fine and he could spend some time off to get her ready into Will's and Jay's house.

Halstead Siblings One-shots Where stories live. Discover now