Work Cuddles

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Ashley, aged 2 was sat on the ground playing with her toys. She however grew quite annoyed, she wanted to be held by her brother, even if he said he was busy working. She stood herself up carefully before waddling over to her brother, putting her hands up to be picked up by him.

"I'm working, hun." He sighed, picking her up onto his lap anyways. She just shrugged, shoving her face against his chest.
Jay sighed, going back to working on the case.

After a little bit, Voight walked out, standing till everyone looked over to him.
"Right, I want you all to get going. Find this boyfriend and bring him back." Voight explained.
"Voight, do you-" Jay started.
"Sure, give her over." He smiled, taking Ashley from his lap.

Ashley grumbled a bit but went back to her calm sleeping of sorts against Voight.

Voight headed into his office, placing her down on his sofa before going to get some of his work complete. She'd be up sooner or later anyways and she could then go back to her playing once she's rested a bit.

Jay returned later as he watched Voight and Ashley play together. Voight seemed less playful but looked as if he wanted to keep her happy and entertained till she got to go home.

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