What Really Happens

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Ashley, aged 8 was in her last lesson for today. It was a History lesson.
She knew after class that she had to go straight to the 21st, though her brother said he would text her to say if someone would be picking her up.

After class, Ashley rushed to grab her bag and coat. Pulling on her coat before grabbing her phone out of her bag. it was a normal phone but a lot of things had been banned for usage. All she could do is make calls and send messages. There was also a tracking device on it, just in case.

She checked her messages and saw one from her brother. Jay.

Jay: No ones got the time to pick you up. We're stuck on a case. Walk to the station. Be careful. Keep your phone IN your pocket. Love you.

Ashley smiled, leaving the school grounds and starting her good walk to the station.
The walk seemed shorter than it actually was, mainly because the streets weren't as busy. Mainly only children and parents walked at the moment.

Ashley finally crossed the road, walking up the steps of the 21st. Once inside, she walked up to Trudy.

"Hello Trudy!" She smiled.
"Walked here?" She asked, handing her some paper.
"Yep. I'll head up now." Ashley grinned before heading up the steps, scanning her hand and putting the code before walking up to the offices.

No one except for Alvin was in the offices, surprisingly.
"Hello Alvin." She spoke, walking over to her brothers desk. Putting her bag down and her coat.
"What're you doing here kiddo?" Alvin asked.
"Jay told me to walk here from school. Said everyone was too busy to pick me up." She shrugged.
"Right,  want to get on with your homework? Don't want your brother to get mad." Alvin smiled.
"On it." She grinned, setting up Jay's desk before getting on with her homework.

Ashley finished her homework an hour later but around an hour after finishing her homework, Alvin had to rush out to help with everyone else.

It was around 9pm when she got so bored. She went into the break room before sitting down on the sofa. She cuddled up with her coat on top of her before falling asleep.

Jay and the team got back around midnight. Jay grabbed his sisters stuff before walking into the break room. Seeing her passed out, asleep, he smiled slightly.
Jay carefully picked up his sister, bridal style. A hand under her legs and another under her back.

Thankfully he already had her bag on his shoulder and her coat on top of her so he didn't worry about not having enough hands.

"Right, I'm off." Jay spoke to the team before leaving.
When he got home, he tucked her into bed before leaving.

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