36. Complicated 🤯

Start from the beginning

When we got back to the house, I immediately went to my bedroom. Monica was M.I.A., but she was probably in the kitchen getting a late breakfast or brunch. I opened my purse and pulled out the contract. With my phone, I took pictures of it. Then, I sent it to Rochelle.

Seconds later, my phone rang. I answered it.

"Hi, Jamie. I got the pictures of the contract. Can you meet on Zoom now?"

"Yes," I replied. "Oh, wait. I don't have a laptop."

"You can download the app on your phone. I'll send you the Zoom link," Rochelle hung up.

She wasted no time. I went to my app store and downloaded Zoom. 

Suddenly, my bedroom door swung open, scaring the living daylights out of me. 

Monica closed the door and slowly slid down to the floor.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Mmmmph," she moaned. "Whyyyyy?" She pouted.

I arched my brow. "Monica, what happened?"

"I talk too much," Monica stated.

You think? I looked at my phone to see the Zoom app had downloaded. I opened it to log in. "Monica, please tell me what's going on? Like, right now." I sat on the floor in front of her.

She sighed, "I got your text about Zeke's brother and that girl, his assistant. At first, I was like bring on the tea, cousin, because I was ready for the excitement. Then, I got lost in this big ol' house. But why did I end up catching this girl walk out of a room. She looked so guilty. I played dumb and asked her if she worked here. She said she was Zeke's assistant - Jaylei. Why did she tell me that? Then, I ask her if she knew Rival and where he was, because I would love to meet him. I'm like such a big fan. She goes 'who are you?' I told her that you were my cousin, and that I was spending a few days in L.A. to hang out with you. She gon say 'cute. Well, Zack is not available to meet any fans at the moment. What did you say your name was?' I told her to call me 'Moni or Rival's future girlfriend.' Oh my gosh! If looks could kill..."

As my cousin continued to talk, I went to my messages to accept the invitation to the Zoom meeting. 

"Monica, I love you, but I have a very important meeting that I have to go to. Take your phone, put on your shoes, and find something to do out there. Go to the pool or something," I told her.

Monica was taken aback. "Okay. Just kick me out. It's cool." She grabbed her phone and walked out the room.

"I'll call you when the meeting is over," I assured her.

"Whatever!" She was mad.

I closed my bedroom door and ran to the chair in the corner of my room. I went into the Zoom meeting where Rochelle was waiting, but why did she look way younger than I thought she would be. 

"Hi, Jamie! It's good to put a face with the name."

"Hi! Yes, it is."

Rochelle clasped her hands together. "It did not take me long to go through this contract which is the first concern that I have. Before I continue, can you tell me what went on during the meeting, who was there, and important things that were said?"

I answered, "There were two lawyers that represented Ricky Santana and the record label. Zeke's Aunt Shelly or Aunt Shell was representing him and me as his artist. Now that I think about it, she backtracked and said that I wasn't Zeke's artist because he isn't a music producer. Anyway, she didn't like how short the contract was and that there wasn't a mention of my song that was stolen and leaked. That's when we learned that they gave an advance of my song to ZBM Incorporated or ZEM Incorporated. I can't remember. They said they paid $35,000. Oh, and Shelly said that it was a 50/50 deal. She didn't like that, because... oh that's when she was telling them that Zeke wasn't a music producer and that he only discovered me."

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