"Since when did The Paige have feelings?" I asked.

"Ever since Brooklyn wouldn't shut the hell up about you" she shouted. I flinched. What?

"I am sorry that I am being forward about this but it's true. Brooklyn consantly talks about you. I always tease her about her crush on you. That is why we are pretty much fighting right now" she said. I was shocked.

"You two are fighting because of me?" she nodded.

I actually had to start laughing. I mean really? Why should they be fighting about me? She was confused as to why I was laughing. 

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because it's funny"

"Look I am also being honest I really don't actually care about you" she said. I was confused about this but I am not gonna ask her about it. Well not now anyway.

"Well I don't want to bother you anymore so I'm going. Bye" she said and then walked away from me. I signed. What the hell was Paige talking about?

*Brookyln's P.O.V* 

So the girls and I decided that we would go and take a walk outside. I had to admit that it was very beautiful outside and I loved it. A lot. 

"So this is such a nice day" Nikki said smiling.

"Yeah but it looks like we had just run into trouble" Brie said and we all looked up and there was Paige walking up to us. What does she want?"

"Look Paige-" I started saying but she cut me off. 

"I am not in the mood" she said and then pushed me.

"What the hell was that for?"

"I just want you to know that I am so done with everything. I am done with you and I am done with Dean" she said.

"What do you mean done with Dean?" Aj asked. Paige's face soften.

"I can't explain it right now. I have to explain it after our match"

"Why wait?"

"Because if I tell you now and then it would ruin everything that has been going on in the company. I am being serious though. It would." she said. 

"Okay well while we are on the borderline about our match do you wanna tell me why you wanted to have this match?" I asked her raising an eyebrow. Remember I already know why I just wanted her to say it for herself.

"I don't know what you are talking about" she said putting her hands behind her back.

"Bullshit. Tell me why?" I asked starting to get mad.

"No I am not telling you anything" she shouted.

"You better tell us or else" Brie said. Paige looked really mad and it looked like she wanted to attack us. I mean fine if she wanted to fight.

"Or else what?" she challenged.

Brie just shrugged and Paige just started laughing. I mean literally.

"Stop laughing" Nikki instructed. Paige did not listen. Nikki was also getting mad and just wanted to get mad at her. Well Nikki had enough of her already and in order to get her to stop laughing was to shut her up. She went over to her and then slapped her across the face. Paige stopped laughing and then looked at her. Paige's eyes were dark and then she slapped Nikki back.

Again they were fighting on the sidewalk and I couldn't do anything but try to seperate them apart. But when I did try to seperate them I ended up getting punched in the eye. Damn.

"I am so sorry" Nikki said to me. Brie and Paige also looked shocked. I looked behind Nikki's shoulder and there was Dean. Holy shit he saw what had happened.

"It's fine Nikki" I assured her. 

Then we saw Dean coming over to us. We all started being quiet and was just looking at him. He was looking at us.

"You guys wanna explain?" he asked. Looks like we were again gonna have to tell him why on the earth that we were fighting on the sidewalk. It's quite funny because he always have walked on us all the time.

"I have all day" he said. I have a feeling that this is gonna be an easier converstation. 


That is it for this chapter. I wanna say that I am sorry that this one kinda turned bad but you guys all know that this is a filler. The Survivor Series chapter will becoming up soon. Probably chapter 15 or 16 that will be the chapter for the event. I am not sure still. Just depending on how the story will go. I kinda did want Dean to get involve in this kind of thing reason why he again walked on them fighting. But also what do you guys think Paige is talking about? Well you guys will find out soon. I also knew that this chatper was kinda boring. But it was only the best idea that I can come up with. But I promise you the next chapter is gonna be good. I promise. So vote like always, read and then tell your friends cause it would mean a lot and stay tuned for the next chapter.!!!

I actually hated how my writing had came out in this chapter. Again like I said I promise that the next chapter will be amazing! 

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