‘What?’ Nick looked at me in confusion.

‘The TV isn’t on’ I said, still staring at the blank screen.


I looked back to Nick to find him watching me with a she’s crazy look.

I laughed, ‘I just mean that the TV is always on. We both spend a good portion of our lives on the couch staring at a screen’

Nick continued to watch me, his expression thoughtful. ‘I guess I just have more important things to focus on’ he said eventually, his eyes having moved to the wall behind me.

He shook his head as if to clear his thoughts before looking back to me, a knowing smile on his face.

I felt myself blush and I suddenly became very interested in my salad. I heard him chuckle quietly before he took my free hand in his and interlinked our fingers tightly.

I felt my heartbeat speed up and I sighed softly – would my heart ever stop racing if he so much as looked at me in a certain way?

But I suppose the real question was did I want it to?

‘What time do you want to leave?’

I blinked stupidly, my brain taking a moment to process what he’d just said. ‘Oh…’ I thought about it, ‘whenever’ I said finally; ‘I just need to change out of my work clothes’

He nodded before polishing off the last bite of his sandwich, his hand still holding mine.

I looked down and was surprised to see most of my salad was gone. I really needed to stop daydreaming.

I changed into a pair skinny jeans and a plain top when I’d finished my lunch. Nick was waiting for me, fidgeting anxiously. I think we were both on edge.

I mean, this was a big deal. Meeting the parents was bad enough, but Nick’s particular situation just made things so much more complicated.

We stepped out into the unseasonably nice day and Nick immediately clutched my hand, pulling me closer as we walked down the path.

To take my mind off the upcoming meeting, I looked around at the campus. Even though we were still technically on Christmas holidays, the campus was swarming with students making the most of the marginally warm weather. Some were hurrying along one of the many paths while some were just wandering with friends.

It was then that I noticed the looks.

Both girls and guys alike glanced at Nick and me as we passed by or just openly stared – especially at our joined hands. Of course, most of the girls glared at me; but that wasn’t exactly surprising. Most of the guys just seemed curious (with the occasional sleazy stare).

Everyone was wondering the same thing; was that Nick King holding hands with somebody?

I felt like I was in a bad romcom or something.

Nick seemed oblivious, his mind obviously on something else. As if he knew I was thinking about him, he smiled down at me.

Dropping my hand, he wrapped an arm tightly around my shoulders and bent to press a kiss to my temple. I could practically hear the gasps behind us…whatever, cue the eye-roll.

Deciding to ignore everyone and everything, I slid my arm around Nick’s waist. I smiled to myself as I felt his muscles quiver beneath my touch as I slipped my fingers under the hem of his t-shirt, stroking his smooth skin.

He pulled me closer and I rested my head on his shoulder.

‘You’re killing me here you know’ he whispered, pressing another kiss on top of my head.

I laughed openly, a grin forming on my face.

We walked like that the whole way across campus, and out onto the street. Nick hailed us a taxi – we were too far away to walk.

I slid into the back of the taxi, Nick following me.

After giving the driver directions, Nick sat back and stared out the window. I watched him from my seat. I could see him getting visibly tenser the longer we spent in the car.

I knew that this was a journey he didn’t enjoy making. I mean, when he first told me about his parents, he’d said that as far as he was concerned, his mother was dead – the body in the hospital wasn’t her. He only went to visit her because his father insisted on it. Though from what Nick had told me about Jonah King, I didn’t know why he’d do anything for him.

Which reminded me…

‘Will your dad be there?’ I asked softly.

Nick looked at me startled as if he’d forgotten I was there. He eventually shook his head; ‘I don’t think so, he generally visits on a Thursday. I hope he’s not there anyway’

I didn’t reply, just reached over and squeezed his hand. I hoped for Nick’s sake that he wasn’t there.

He held onto my hand tightly as we slowly got closer.

I was starting to feel anxious now – I really had no idea what to expect.

I felt Nick squeeze my hand and I looked over to him and smiled reassuringly.


Hey, I’m sorry this chapter is really short and crappy but I’m in a rush.

We lost the rugby match today, so I’m gonna go out and get wasted and drown my sorrows lol I’m kinda late which is why I rushed this chapter.

I can’t decide whether Nick’s dad should be in the next chapter? So your thoughts would be appreciated!

Kaz xoxo

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