Chapter 798

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Back at the Hospital - Will's POV: As I walked into the supply room, I saw Natalie having a hard time packing up the back of stuff we had to bring to Matt and Gabby's. Wondering what's wrong, I looked at her. "Everything okay Natalie?" She sighed and then looked up at me. "Even though it's not my kid that's getting the shots...I always have a hard time doing it. I hate having to watch the babies cry. Then it makes the moms cry and all that stuff. Brings back memories of when Owen was a kid. And then most of the time, the dads are there too and just bad memories."

I walked up to her and then sighed as I grabbed her neck. Rubbing her cheek, I smiled as I went to kiss her. "Just relax okay? I am pretty sure that Matteo is going to be tough. I mean, his parents run into burning buildings for a living." Natalie chuckled and smiled. "While we are out, you are taking me out to lunch. I'm sorry but if I have to eat a warm lunch meat sandwich again, I am going to vomit. Oh, and promise me you'll never let me give Owen those. If I hate them, he'll hate them too when he's a school kid."

I chuckled and smiled. "Considering I am going to be his dad...yes. I've been meaning to ask you about this but, how would you feel if I adopted him?" Natalie looked a bit shocked at that idea. But, he after all was the only dad he knew. I thought about it and then decided we needed to talk about it. "We would have to talk about it. Would we change his last name?" I shook my head. "We don't need to. Either that or we can just hyphenate. Create a new surname. We can all become Manning-Halstead?" Natalie seemed to like that idea and smiled. "I like it."

I then decided to help her with the bag and put it over my shoulder. "I would have to talk to Jeff's mom though. I know it's not really her decision but...I want her input. I mean, I want her to know you'll never replace Jeff in Owen's life and reassure him that he will always know who his real dad is." I nodded and agreed while grabbing her hand and leading her out of the ER. "I completely understand. However, don't think for a minute I am going to be supportive of him joining the army in the future. As much as I am grateful for Jeff's service...he's all you have left of him." I agreed and smiled. "I wasn't going to let him anyways."

We both smiled as we walked out of the ER when we ran into Mrs. Goodwin. "And just where do you two think you are going?" I sighed and looked at her. "We are doing a house call. Remember Matt and Gabby's son?" Mrs. Goodwin nodded. "Yes, Matteo." I smiled. "Well, he's overdue for shots. However, they don't feel comfortable bringing him into the hospital to do them because of COVID." Mrs. Goodwin nodded and understood. "Any specific reason?"

Natalie sighed and looked at her. "Her former sister-in-law and her nephew are already in the COVID wing battling the virus." She then stared at us, shocked. "Okay, that makes a lot of sense. However, are going to document this this time around. If not, you will be on suspension once again." Will nodded and agreed. "I completely understand Mrs. Goodwin." She then smiled at us. "By the way, have I congratulated you two yet on your wedding?"

We both looked at her and smiled. "No, sorry it was so abrupt and quick. We just decided that we wanted to fight this as a married couple. Didn't want to die without marrying him. Who knows what can happen. That, and I wanted him to have legal rights to make decisions for me as well as Owen." Will then looked down at me. "That's only why." I then glared at him. "We are not talking about this. You know I love you and that was the main reason." He nodded and smiled.

Mrs. Goodwin the looked at us. "Okay, now go do your work and be back soon." We both agreed and nodded, walking out hand in hand to our car so that we could go to Matt and Gabby's place.

Miracles Season 5: Health First Part 1 (Dawsey)Where stories live. Discover now