Chapter 756

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Gabby's POV: Once Matteo was asleep in our room, I made my way out to see Sylvie starting to get tired. I just looked at her and moved to sit next to her. "Somebody's getting tired." She nodded and chuckled. "It's the pregnancy. It really tires me out. I really doubt I am ever going to be the same paramedic I was before I give birth because if pregnancy is exhausting, what is parenthood going to be like?" I looked at her and wrapped my arm around her. "A heck of a lot worse. Trust me when I say this, enjoy the sleep while you can. Once they come, you will never get as much sleep as you did before. You think you're loosing sleep now? Just wait until you are a parent to two kids."

Sylvie turned her head and looked at me. "How do you know I am already loosing sleep?" I smiled at her. "Sylvie, my brother's a cop. I worry about him all the time. If I worry about him, you probably worry about him a lot more considering he is the man you love and your children's father." Sylvie then nodded and sighed. "That's probably one of the reasons for our tensions right now. I am still so worried every time he leaves for work. I wonder if it's the last time I'll ever see him, if he'll ever meet our kids or if he'll end up in hospital with COVID."

I nodded and understood. "This has to be the worst time to be pregnant right now. I mean, stress is horrible on pregnancies. But, during a pandemic you can't help but be stressed. So Sylvie, you need to relax whenever you can. And you definitely should not be working. I don't care if you want to save money just in case something happens between you and my brother. Antonio has and always will support his kids, as well as their mom in any way he can. That also includes financially." Sylvie nodded and sighed. "You really think we can work things out?"

I nodded and agreed. "Sylvie, you guys love each other. At the end of the day, feelings don't just go away. They never do when you've experienced stuff like this together. My brother will always love you because you got pregnant. It's the same for me and Matt. I mean, he forgave me for not telling him I was pregnant. What type of guy does that? Especially when I'm his ex-wife and I know how much he has always wanted children." Sylvie nodded and chuckled. "Honestly Gabby, I want to have a relationship like yours and Matt's but, I can't. You guys set the bar pretty high."

Matt then came out and looked at her. "Sylvie, you really think that me and Gabby haven't had the same type of fights that you and Antonio are currently in?" Matt the walked over and sat in the recliner, facing us. "Just take the prime example of Louie. You remember the scuff we had when Gabby first wanted to adopt him." Sylvie nodded and agreed. "You guys were just dating at the time right?" I turned to look at Matt and nodded. "Yes, but we were living together. So, it wasn't that easy to just ignore the fight we were having."

Matt smiled at me when I said that. "But, in the end...I came to realize that what was more important to me was having Gabby in my life. Her being my wife was more important to me than having to go through the long journey to foster a child. I was ready to propose before she even started to foster Louie and I am not going to lie...I almost lost her. But, Antonio was the one that saved our relationship." I looked at him. "He did?"

Matt sighed. "He wasn't happy that I wasn't supporting you in fostering Louie. He gave me an ultimatum actually. It was either support you and marry you or stay the hell away from you. So basically, I either had to support you or loose you. I couldn't do the last one so I decided that...if Louie was part of the equation that equaled us getting married in the future, I would have to step up and support you." I smiled when he said that. "I love you."

Matt smiled at me. "I love you too." I then turned to look at Sylvie and smiled at her. "And I am positive that Antonio loves you Sylvie. Listen, we are not going to pressure you to go talk to him tomorrow. But, what you should do is think it over tonight. If you make up your mind....don't call him until the morning and sleep on your decision. We'll talk about this again in the morning and then, he can come here so you can talk. We can go out for a walk or something then."

Matt nodded and agreed. "That sounds nice. We can get some fresh air and take a walk as a family. However, we are using the stroller." I nodded and agreed with him. "Listen, me and Matt are going to go relax in bed okay Sylvie? You relax out here and think stuff over. We'll talk in the morning okay?" Sylvie nodded and smiled, hugging me. She then got up and hugged Matt. "Thanks." Matt hugged her and I could see it was a bit awkward because of their history."

Backing away from the hug, Matt looked at me and smiled. "C'mon, let's go relax in bed and leave Sylvie to think. See you in the morning Sylvie." Sylvie nodded and smiled as Matt walked over to me. Grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers, I smiled as I followed Matt to our room. "I need to brush my teeth still." Matt nodded. "Me too. I'll join you in the washroom." I chuckled and nodded, letting him join me in the washroom so that we can brush our teeth together before making our way to bed so we can spend some alone time in bed.

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