Chapter 720

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Matt's POV: When Gabby asked me if any future new job (other than one at the CFD) would still be in Chicago, I bit my lip and nodded. "I know I've said stuff in the past but, it's hard to see myself working anywhere other than here. And I would still want to be involved in at least the CFD Volunteer or reliever's pool. If it's not a full-time job, then it would have to be at least occasional. I can't ever see myself not serving the community in some shape or form."

Gabby smiled and agreed. "You know, I think we should just table this. I mean, what are we even doing talking about this in a pandemic? On top of that, our son is only 2 months old? We aren't moving anytime soon. However, we can only not think about this for so long. Once he's 2, we're stuck here. By then, he'll have made friends at preschool and I'll want him to stay with them all through school. I am not really okay with him having to restart somewhere."

I nodded and smiled. "I might actually start taking a class during my spare time if that's okay? I found this class online that teaches you spanish." Gabby smiled at that. "You really want to learn Spanish?" I nodded and smiled. "My wife and in-laws speak spanish. I am positive that our son will speak spanish too. Sorry, but I am not going to be the only one to not speak spanish in our family. That way, Matteo can't get away with back talk in Spanish when I'm disciplining him."

Gabby looked at me and nodded. "Smart and very true. You do realize that I can help you right? Teach you slowly before eventually getting you involved in real life situations? Sure, you can learn in class how to speak it but...the spanish you'll be learning is probably not the same as how we speak. Our dialect is different than the Chicago spanish dialect. Heck, even some slang that Cruz uses is different compared to my slang in my dialect." I nodded and agreed.

"I swear, it so weird when I saw you and him talking in spanish. Not understand what you were saying to one another. Made me feel left out a bit." Gabby smirked. "Where you, jealous in a way that we had this connection that you and I didn't?" I shook my head. "No, because our connection was different and more meaningful. Our relationship was one of love and trust. Sure, you trust Cruz and love him like a brother but...our feelings for each other are deeper."

Gabby smiled and agreed. "I get what you are saying. When we first divorced, just the thought of you would bring me to tears in Puerto Rico. I didn't feel that way about leaving our friends. It was different." I nodded before going to kiss her softly. "That's because I was your husband when you left. And we had just gotten that horrible news." Gabby smiled as she grabbed my neck before kissing me again. "One regret I have is leaving so soon. I'm sorry for that."

I nodded and smiled at her. "Hey, you had to do what you had to do. And honestly, I should've agreed to go Puerto Rico. It would've been fun. Our apartment was so empty when you left. I think I mentioned this before but I really only used it to sleep. The memories we had there was just too strong. It felt hard. I am just glad that we are back together in our new home." Gabby smiled and nodded when I said that. She then went to kiss me when I heard her stomach.

It started to grumble and I chuckled. "I assume that means you are hungry?" Gabby looked up at me and bit her lip. "Can you get the room service menu and maybe we can order some food?" I nodded and agreed, letting her go before rolling over in bed. I then moved to reach into the drawer of the side table, grabbing the binder. Once it was out, I rolled back over and opened it to the food menu. We then started to look at it together. "Stuff we can eat in bed, I'm not moving."

Gabby smiled at me. "Not even if I said I wanted to take a bath with you after supper?" I turned my head when she said that before thinking about it. "It's a jet bath isn't it?" Gabby nodded and smiled. "I know it would involve us being naked again but, it's a bath and would be relaxing. We don't have a bath at home and I would really like to use it. How much do I need to beg before you agree to get in the bath with me tonight?" Moving closer to me, she started to kiss my neck.

I decided to let her kiss my neck like that for a little while because it was so sexy. "You can keep doing that for a while, I like it." I then moved to rub her arm while looking at the food menu. Having fun with her, I smiled when I saw that they offer delivery service from local restaurants. Most notably, Molly's restaurant. I then turned to look at Gabby. "Well, apparently meals are included in the stay. And they offer in room delivery service."

Gabby nodded. "What restaurant?" I moved to show her the menu they have in there and then she smiled at me. "Smart idea, we would only have to pay for the delivery." I looked at her confused. "Wouldn't we have to pay..." Gabby looked at me. "And the profits go right back to us as co-Owners of the bar. Plus, I haven't ate there really since I got back. I think we've gone once. We used to go there every week. It was our regular date night."

I looked at her. "Okay, please don't consider those nights date nights. Most of the time, you were working and we only had dinner after your shift because it was late, we didn't want to cook and because the food was free. I only consider a meal out a date if we pay for the meal. More specifically, if I pay for the meal." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "Okay. But, yes...we are going to support our bar since it is currently only doing take out."

I smiled and nodded. "You know, we could probably work there as delivery drivers. That way, it would save more money." Gabby thought about it and nodded. "I'll talk to Hermann about taking charge of it. He should be home more to help with the kids. And they are also on the front lines so, they should be home. I want to help our restaurant in any way we can." I smiled and nodded. "Just not tonight. However, let's order from here. Same as usual?"

Gabby nodded and agreed. Moving to grab my phone, I smiled as I got up and moved to call room servicex so that we could get them to bring us some food from Molly's.

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