Diego has COVID

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Antonio's POV: After making my way down to Eva's room, I moved to knock on her door to see she was chatting with her friends. "Eva, can we talk?" Eva then looked at me. "Dad, I'm talking to my friends. Give me a bit more time." I got frustrated. "Eva, can we talk?" I started to say a little more frustrated. She just waved me off again and I had enough. Walking over to her laptop, I then closed the lid. "You going to listen now or do I need to shut off the internet?"

Sylvie then walked up to the door and looked at me. "Breathe." I then sighed and nodded before looking at Eva. "Eva, I need to tell you something because it's about your brother." When she heard it was about Diego, she got concerned." Eva then shook her head. "No, he didn't...I mean, sure he's been sneaking out but, he couldn't have..." I looked at her. "Okay, which situation are we talking about because he isn't dead." Eva then took a deep breath.

I smiled at her. "However, he that doesn't mean he's out of the woods and won't die. Eva, did Diego sneak out recently to hang out with friends?" Eva bit her lip. I could see she didn't want to be a rat. So, I just got up and sat on her bed. "Come here sweetie, I promise...you won't be in trouble if you tell me this." She nodded and came to sit next to me. "Eva, your brother is going to the hospital. He has the signs of COVID. They haven't tested him yet."

That's when I got a text from Laura and sighed. "Shit. Scratch what I said. Diego does have COVID. They just did a test on him in the ambulance and at the hospital. It's been confirmed." Sylvie then sighed as she looked at me. I then looked up at her. "My son has COVID." Sylvie nodded and came to rub my shoulder. I then looked at them both. "Eva, I want you to promise me something okay?" Eva turned to look at me and nodded. "You do not leave this house okay? This is what can happen if you leave the house without telling us. I have a son in the hospital with COVID. I don't need a daughter in there too right now."

She nodded and understood. "Of course dad, I understand. Want me to pray for Diego?" I nodded. "Listen, I get you and your brother don't have the best relationship but...you still care for him. We both know that. Eva, we need to concentrate on this now. But listen, I have other stuff I have to do. Sylvie, can you just go lay down and I will join you soon? I have to call his school and let them know. Then I have to tell Gabby since I told her I would keep her updated. Then I have to call in sick. After that, I have to call Will Halstead to get him on my son's case."

Sylvie nodded and agreed. "Just take your time and breathe." I agreed and nodded before walking away to call Voigt. I needed to update him on my son's status. Calling him on the way downstairs, I got him right away. "Voigt." He then answered promptly. "What's up Antonio? What's going on at your ex's place?" I sighed and spoke to him slowly. "Diego just tested positive for COVID. I'm sorry but...I need to take at least a bit of time to process this. I can't loose my son Voigt. Not to this." Voigt agreed, knowing what it's like to loose a son.

"I understand. Want me to update the team?" I sighed. "Can you please do that for me?" Voigt agreed. "Please let your ex know we are praying for Diego. Send the District and the Unit's wishes that he feels better. He's a fighter like his dad. And he's young. He should get past this." I then sighed and thought about it. "I basically told my daughter she's grounded until this is done so, I am not sure I am really thinking that right now. She snuck out a few times and so did he. They are basically now on lockdown." Voigt chuckled. "Oh the joy of teenagers." We both laughed at that. "Listen, I have to go and tell my sister okay? She wants to know."

He agreed and smiled. "Listen, don't worry about work. Take time and only when Diego is out of the woods do you even get on that computer. Stay safe and keep your family safe." I sighed when I thought about it. "Worst part about all this is I can't go see him in hospital. What if I can't say goodbye to him?" Voigt sighed. "Antonio, Diego is a fighter. Don't think that way okay? Just breathe, relax and watch TV. Hold your family close." I agreed and nodded. "Listen, I have to make a call. I need to tell my sister. She doesn't know yet." Voigt agreed. "Okay, talk later."

I then sighed before grabbing my phone again and going to call Matt. I knew he had his phone because he was the one that called him. He answered right away when I called. "Hey Antonio, what's up?" I sighed and then spoke to him. "Gabby with you?" He agreed. "Yes, we are just walking home from the park with Matteo." I sighed. "Can you stop for a minute and put me on speaker?" He agreed and then put me on speaker. "You're on speaker Antonio." I then heard Gabby. "Hey Antonio, is everything okay?"

I sighed and then told her the news. "Diego has tested positive for COVID-19. He is currently in the hospital and we are isolating at home. I am off work and am asking you to pray for him." Gabby was shocked and you could hear it in her voice. "Antonio, of course we will pray for him. He will get through this. We all will. Send Laura our wishes okay? We're with you." I nodded and agreed. "Thanks. You might want to go home. It's too close to home now." Gabby agreed.

"Sure thing, we are on our way back now. We're like 2 blocks away from home." I was happy about that. "Stay safe okay Gabby? And maybe stay home for now? I would like it if there is only 1 person in my family that's in the hospital with COVID right now." Gabby agreed and nodded. "Definitely. I am just glad that I was able to tell you ahead of time. And thank god Ambo 51 responded to the call. I can definitely assure you that he had the best care possible from the paramedics. I have worked with them both and they are great paramedics."

I smiled when she said that. "That's good. Now just make sure you don't interact with them. You might also want to call Boden and tell him to put them in isolation since Diego was a COVID positive case. Don't want them spreading it around the city or through the firehouse." Gabby agreed. "Great idea. I am going to do that right after we hang up." I sighed and agreed. "Stay safe Gabby." Gabby then replied. "Stay safe too Antonio. Love you." I smiled. "Love you too sis."

Miracles Season 5: Health First Part 1 (Dawsey)Where stories live. Discover now