Chapter 668

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Matt's POV: While driving Violet to school, I smiled as I pulled up and looked at her. Grabbing my mask and putting it on, I decided to get out to give her a hug since I didn't know the next time I would see her. Violet however didn't like that idea. "Uncle Matt, please don't." I looked at her. "Violet, I don't know when I'm going to see you next. I'm hugging you and that's final." She nodded and sighed, hugging me.

I then kissed her head and smiled. "Stay safe Violet." Violet nodded and understood why I wanted to hug her. "You too Uncle Matt." I smiled and sighed when I let her go when I saw Laura dropping off Eva and Diego. "Laura?" Laura turned to look at me. "Hi Matt, how are you?" I walked over to her and smiled. "Good, how are they dealing with this situation?"

She sighed. "Good, how are you and Gabby with Matteo?" I nodded. "We're off work and dealing with it the best we can. Antonio is pretty scared too." She nodded. "He really having a third kid?" I nodded and smiled. "With my ex-fling." She looked at me, a little shocked. "Yikes, that must make it awkward with you and Gabby?" I shook my head. "We never really dated."

She nodded. "Well listen, as much as I want to talk...the virus." I nodded. "Stay safe and let us know if we can help with Eva and Diego. I mean, via video of course. The only reason we took in my niece last night was because her mom was stuck in New York." Laura nodded. "Wait, your niece is Violet Jordan?" I nodded. "Yes." Laura chuckled. "I went to school with your sister then."

I was shocked. "Small world. So, you already know about my mom?" She nodded and sighed. "Trust me, between Antonio and her...hell yes." I chuckled and nodded. "Stay safe Laura." She nodded and smiled. "You, Gabby and Matteo too Matt." I smiled and nodded before walking away to go back home to Gabby.

Miracles Season 5: Health First Part 1 (Dawsey)Where stories live. Discover now