Chapter 682

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Matt's POV: As I finished the dishes, I smiled as I walked in to the sight of Gabby holding Matteo in her arms in front of the window while rocking him. It looked like she was done feeding him so I just decided to walk over to her. Smiling as I walked over, I moved to stand next to them. "He's getting tired isn't he?" Gabby turned to look at me and nodded. "I think he's asleep but, I'm scared he'll wake up if I set him down."

Moving closer, I looked at his face and smiled. I then kissed his forehead before kissing Gabby's shoulder. "He didn't wake up when I did that so, put him down. I am going to get changed for bed." Turning to look at me, she smiled and nodded. I then moved to walk away before stripping off my shirt and sweats. Putting them at the end of the bed, I decided to wear them again tomorrow since I was going to go on a morning run.

"Just to let you know, I plan on going on a morning run tomorrow. If you need me to drop into the store, I can as long as it's stuff I can carry." Gabby nodded as she set Matteo down. "Or, you can go shopping and then I can meet you there to pick you up?" I nodded and agreed, liking the idea as I went to take off my watch. "Probably easier. Then you just have to stay in the car. Now, I was going to go before I made you breakfast."

Gabby smiled. "Matt, I can just have cereal in the morning. It's not like I need big breakfasts when we are literally just staying around here." I nodded and agreed. "Sure thing. Now listen, how about you finish up in the washroom and I'll be right in? Then we can relax in bed and I can give you that massage you wanted." Gabby nodded while walking towards the bathroom so she could get ready for bed. I then walked over to Matteo and smiled while looking at him.

"God, you are so cute." I then leaned in and gently rubbed his cheek with my thumb, admiring our beautiful son. He was starting to look like the perfect combination of me and Gabby. His skin color was the perfect mix between me and Gabby's but he had her dark hair. His hair was also curly like mine. I didn't like to have curly hair which is why I always keep it so short. Wonder if Gabby will like it when my hair gets curly? She's never seen me with curly hair. At least, not that I know of. I forget if I ever showed her some of my school yearbooks. I am barely recognizable.

Let's just say that I only got this skinny in college to get who I thought was the girl of my dreams. Hallie was dating the jock in High School but, we ended up in some classes together in college. She didn't even recognize me because of how much I worked out. In the end though, I showed my high school bully that he didn't hurt me. Instead, he pushed me to get healthier. Now, he's a jailhouse snitch while I am a former CPD Fire Captain-turned-Paramedic. I ended up standing there for a while and just admiring our son when I decided to go join Gabby to brush my teeth.

I was starting to get tired for some reason, regardless of the fact that we pretty much just laid down all day. But, in the was worth it. I will do anything to keep my family safe. After all, I already almost lost Gabby four times now. Once when she miscarried, once when I was stuck in a fire (and said goodbye to her even though I always promised that I would never do that), once when she gave birth to Matteo and once when I was shot while helping find Diego.

When Gabby finally came out of the washroom, she broke me out of my train of thought by saying my name a couple times. Finally hearing her on the third time (the charm), I turned to look at her. "Sorry, what's that babe?" She looked at me and walked over. "You okay?" I sighed and looked at her. "Just was caught up deep in thought." She nodded and moved to rub my back. "Go brush your teeth and maybe you can share some of your thoughts with me?"

I nodded and smiled. "Some of the thoughts are going to be hard to believe. But, sure." Gabby looked at me confused but just nodded before leaning up to kiss me softly. "As long as you tell me the truth about the thoughts, I promise to believe them." I nodded and smiled while watching her get in bed before going to the washroom to brush my teeth.

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