Chapter 673

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Matt's POV: Once Hermann had left, I smiled as I watched Gabby walk back over to the couch. Sitting back down in our spot, I smiled at her. "Want me to sit with you again or do you need to eat?" Gabby looked up at me and smiled. "Can you just grab me some yogurt? I don't need much right now." I nodded before walking over to the fridge. Opening it, I smiled when I found her yogurt. I then grabbed two spoons and carried it over to her.

Gabby saw I had two spoons. "You eating some of it too?" I smiled and nodded. "It's either than or I have to make myself lunch in an hour." Gabby nodded as I made my way to the couch. She then got up and let me sit down, waiting to cuddle up to me like always. "Or I could just feed you with my spoon." Sitting down on the couch, I smiled as I waiting for Gabby to sit down. 

Sitting down in my lap, she grabbed the blankets once again and covered us both up. She looked up at me and smiled. "Feed me and then please me." I smirked when she said that before pending down to kiss her neck softly. "Like this?" I then moved down her neck to her collar bone. "And this?" I played with her shirt a bit and smirked. Gabby smiled and nodded. "Matt, yogurt first and then you can have a bit of me."

I nodded and went to open the yogurt. I then smiled as she grabbed the first bite before grabbing one for myself.  We eventually started feeding each other, doing corny teenage stuff that you wouldn't expect of a married couple but, we were bored. This pandemic is going to allow us to do teenage things that is going to be really fun. At least, I will enjoy it.

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