Chapter 755

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Matt's POV: After giving Matteo a bath, I was now in the midst of carrying him out in my arms and kissing his head softly. "This time you actually were a good boy eh bud? You didn't get your dad all wet." I turned to look at Gabby who was smiling as she sat on the couch. "It probably helped that you took your shirt off?" I smirked at her. "Let me guess, you decided to take a peek while I was giving him a bath to watch us bond a little bit?" Gabby nodded and smiled at us both.

"What? I couldn't help myself. You guys are so cute together and he brings out the kid in you. Honestly, you are a big kid in general but when it comes to you spending time with become an even bigger kid. And that's saying something when you also like to play with fire engines and ambulances." I chuckled when she said that and nodded. "Amongst other things." I then lifted my eyebrows and smirked at her. She knew exactly what I meant.

That's when I heard Sylvie come out in her sweats. "God, if you keep acting like that I'm going to really barf instead of just having morning sickness. I get you guys are still in the puppy dog phase of new marriage but please, girl trying to recover from a fight with her boyfriend here." I turned to look at her and nodded. "You guys will work it out Sylvie, I know it. Now Gabby, how about you join me in the bedroom and we can put him to bed? He's falling asleep in my arms." 

Gabby nodded and she looked at him before getting up to grab him from my arms. "I'll go get him dressed, can you make him a bottle and get it ready? Then come in. I'm feeding him tonight since you gave him a bath." I nodded and agreed, moving to give her Matteo before kissing her forehead. I then walked away to the kitchen to make a bottle before watching as she walked away to her bedroom. "Sylvie, come here for a sec. I need to teach you something."

Sylvie got up and looked at me confused, not understanding what I mean. However, she decided to give me the benefit of the doubt. "Okay, what do you need to teach me oh wise one that Antonio probably hasn't taught me yet?" I turned to look at her. "Grab the formula and I will teach you how to do it. You're going to want to do it earlier than normal considering you guys are having twins. It took Gabby 30-45 minutes to feed Matteo while breastfeeding. So, I assume that it'll take twice as long for you to feed your kids in the middle of the night if you breastfeed."

Sylvie then agreed with that before watching me make some bottles for Matteo. "The recommended dosage is on the side of the container. You measure it and just put it in the bottle. Then you grab the water. Normally, you should start it about 30 minutes before you make a bottle." Sylvie then looked at me. "Then why are you just making the bottle now when Gabby is probably going to need it momentarily to feed him?" I then went to grab another bottle from the fridge. Running it under warm water, I heated it up quickly.

"That's how you heat up the milk quickly. Never put it in the microwave." I then put the bottle down on the counter and smiled. "Now, it's ready to go for when Gabby is going to feed Matteo. Now, if you don't mind me...I am going to go give it to Grabby in our bedroom. If you want, you can just relax. I have to make a few more bottles for the overnight period." Sylvie nodded and then went to sit down on the couch again. 

Getting another bottle out, I got everything ready to make a few more bottles for Matteo before grabbing the one I just heated up. Carrying it to the bedroom, I smiled when I saw Gabby holding Matteo in her arms. Gently kissing his forehead, she smiled while talking to him in spanish. "I have no clue what you just said in spanish but, I don't care. I love what I Just walked in on because it looks adorable." Gabby then turned to look at me and smiled. "You make me another bottle for him already?" I nodded and went to give it to him. "Who's feeding him?"

Gabby then turned around and grabbed the bottle from me. "I said I was since you gave him a bath. Now, how about you go do the dishes unless everything is already in the dishwasher?" I looked at her and smiled. "The dishwasher is already all loaded. I am going to go start it unless you have something else to put in it?" Gabby shook her head and then smiled. "However, I need you to start a load of laundry when you're done. I already took the hamper out." I nodded and then went to grab it since it was next to the door. "This Matteo's stuff or ours?"

Looking at me confused, Gabby walked over to check. "Does it really matter?" I smiled as she walked up to me. "Matters for the detergent and fabric softener we use. Remember, we have one for us and one for babies?" Gabby then looked up at me and smiled, remembering that. "Well, it's mostly our stuff since we are the ones that wear the most clothes. However, we need to do a load of his clothes. I don't think we've really done one recently." I nodded and agreed before going to grab our clothes. I then looked at her one last time. "Did I ever mention that you are a great mom? I just love the sight of you holding him like that." Gabby smiled when I said that and nodded. "The same goes for you."

I smiled while walking out of our bedroom to go start the load of laundry we had to do. My smile was pretty big because of how much I loved Gabby. Sure, we have our little arguments here and there but honestly...I think this is our longest streak since having a real argument. It's nice to be this happy with Gabby all the time. But honestly, even if we were fighting....I wouldn't be with anybody else. Nobody can replace the woman of my dreams and the love of my life, Gabriella Casey.

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