Chapter 792

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Erin's POV: As I sat down in bed waiting for Jay to come back with the smoothie I wanted, I decided to look at some clothes we could buy online for our daughter, Nadia. That's when I heard Jay come back. It took him longer than expected and I wondered why. "What took you so long to make that smoothie I liked?" Jay then smiled at me. "Matt called." I smiled because I was glad he was making friends with a fellow dad. I mean, other than his brother who was technically a dad but, not officially (yet). Though, I heard Natalie has baby fever.

"So, did you still make the smoothie?" He nodded and then gave it to me. "Trust me, I know you need it just as much as Gabby. Apparently, I gave Matt a sip of mine while we were on a run and he liked it. So much that he wanted me to give him the recipe. So, that's what I just did while I was making your smoothie. Now, what are you doing on the iPad?" Jay then climbed onto the bed and sat down next to me while wrapping his arm around me.

I went to show him what I was doing. "I am shopping. Normally, I would be doing this in the store so...I need to start sooner since it takes more time. And with the pandemic, who knows what type of inventory these stores will have. So, just please make sure that the closet is ready and we have hangers in there so that we can hang it up when it gets here." Jay nodded and smiled while kissing my head. "Trust me, we already have a lot. Now, start drinking before I Get a text from Hank asking me if you've started to drink it or not."

I then looked at him. "Has he been bothering you again?" Jay sighed and looked at me. "Listen, we shouldn't be talking about this. Hank is your father figure and I don't want to create problems between you two when you are pregnant. It's not good because it will stress you out. And that, we both know, isn't good for the baby's health or your own for that matter." I then looked at him and sighed. "Babe, Hank may be my father figure but you are my husband...." Moving to grab his hand, I then rubbed it as we looked at each other.

"If Hank is bothering you and making you stressed, then that affects me. Jay, I can read you better than anybody else. I know when you are stressed. Please, talk to me." Jay then sighed and looked at me. "He's texting me to make sure you get your nutrients and everything you need to stay healthy during your pregnancy. And not only is he doing it but, so are Will and Natalie. I haven't talked to Hank yet but...I need to talk to Will and Natalie. They have other stuff to concentrate on other than your pregnancy." I nodded and agreed.

"How about you call your brother? He's on break today. I know that because I texted with Natalie on FaceBook earlier. She posted some updated pictures of Owen for his paternal grandmother." Jay nodded and went to grab his phone. "I'll put it on speaker." I nodded and agreed. Once Will picked up, I smiled. "Hey bro, what's up?" Jay smiled. "Just stressed. Listen, don't get started on about Erin. Because that's why I'm calling." Will then sounded concerned. "She okay? If she needs to go to the ER...I'm on my way regardless of if it's my day off."

Jay then went to calm him down. "Relax man. It's about you. You guys have been texting us non stop about how to take care of her during her pregnancy. But listen, you guys shouldn't be doing that. You guys have other stuff to concentrate on. Most notably, Owen and his health. And we both know that you are also at half-staff because half of the ER staff has been transferred to the COVID unit at Gaffney. I would know because I helped set up your COVID wing remember? When I was working with the Illinois National Guard? My liaison was Ethan since he is military."

Will agreed and sighed. "Sorry, it's just...some stuff is out of my control and I feel like I want to have something in my control. If it's helping my sister-in-law have a healthy pregnancy, then I will do it. It's just...I don't know. It feels like it's something normal. I'm trying to hold on to that. Reminds me of pre-COVID life. Everything is different now. Between the PPE, the extra forms, the testing, the's just a lot. I'm sorry about that. I need to find a new thing to control."

I then spoke up, feeling bad for Will. "No Will, you keep texting me and Jay tips okay? Just maybe don't do it all the time. We really do appreciate it. We can talk to someone else to tone it down." Jay then turned to look at me and was confused. He was about to say something when I stopped him. "After." He nodded and agreed, understanding. "How is everything at the hospital today Will?" Will then sighed. "Owen's grandmother's friend just got admitted to the COVID ICU." 

I knew that wasn't good. When COVID hits the elderly, 9 times out of has a bad ending. "How's Natalie taking the news? She must be feeling bad for her mom." Will then corrected me. "Sorry, Jeff's mom. I have gotten to know her pretty well. She's a nice lady." Jay then nodded and smiled. "Still feel horrible for her. I know what it's like to be there. Having to bury a son is unbearable. Can't stand to go to my friend's funerals but....I know I have to. It makes me feel like a lucky one." I turned to look at Jay and then rubbed his leg. "You okay?"

Jay nodded and kissed my head softly. "Yeah. But, we should let Will go. He has to get back to work." Will agreed. "Thanks. But listen, me and Nat are done at 4 today. How about we do dinner tonight?" Jay then spoke up. "Will, COVID." Will then laughed. "Dude, I know. I mean virtually." Jay then felt a little stupid. "Of course. Just text me when you want to do that. I would love to actually see you guys. Maybe Erin can finally show Nat her wedding ring." Will chuckled. "She's been asking you for pictures for a while. So, yes please. Now, I have to go."

Jay then sighed and spoke one last sentence. "Will, call me after your shift okay? Promise?" Will agreed right away. "I promise, I always will." Jay smiled. "Thanks man." Jay then hung up and let out a deep sigh. Turning to look at him, I then went to rub his hand. "Remind me why you want Will to call you after every shift?"

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