Chapter 733

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Back with Matt and Gabby in their Apartment:

Gabby's POV: After me and Matt got home with Matteo, Matt decided to go change him into some new PJs before we planned to relax with him in the living room. Meanwhile, I emptied the milk bottles and cleaned them so that I could make some more bottles ahead of time. That's when I saw Matt come out with Matteo. "You want to hold him or should I just put him in his chair?"

I looked up at him and smiled. "Nice pick for clothes, he looks cute. But, put him in his chair. He has those toys on there which are good for us. I am making some bottles." Matt then nodded and then went to put Matteo down in his rocker. He then moved to walk over to me. "I got it okay? You should go get changed if you need to." Feeling him behind me, I smiled as he put his hands on my legs. Turning around to face him, I smiled while kissing him.

"Thanks for taking me out this morning, it was fun." He nodded and agreed, kissing my forehead softly. "We need to switch it up every once and a while. It was fun wasn't it?" I nodded and smiled before wrapping my arms around him. Matt then did the same and kissed my head. He then felt me lay my head down on his chest. "You tired?"

Looking up at him, I shook my head. "Just comfortable. Now, go sit on the couch. I am going to finish this and then I'll be right over. Maybe turn the TV on and pick a recording to watch." Matt smiled and nodded as he went to kiss me softly. "Sure." Walking away to the couch, I smiled while watching Matt go to the couch. I then went back to making some new bottles for Matteo.

I was so glad he was now on formula because it's much easier to feed him this way. It also takes a lot less time. Now back to the bottles, just concentrate on that then you can go relax with your guys.

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