Chapter 771

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Matt's POV: After getting Gabby some water and a little snack (I wanted to make sure she ate a bit right now because I knew that she probably wouldn't eat much later), I made my way back to the bedroom to see Gabby laying down in bed with her phone. I couldn't hear her typing so I assumed she just didn't know what to send. "Gabby, you don't need to text Antonio right now. He knows we are thinking of him because we told him on the phone." Gabby turned to look at me and sighed. "I just feel so helpless. I mean, this is my nephew."

I then corrected her. "Our nephew. Gabby, I already said this many times....your family is my family. Why do you think I call Antonio my brother? That's what he is to me because I am closer to him than I am to my own sister. So sure, Diego may not be my blood nephew...he is still my nephew. Remember, our family isn't about blood. It never has been." Setting the snack down in between us, I then gave Gabby her water bottle. "Our prime example is Louie." 

Gabby then looked up at me and nodded. "He was our son wasn't he?" I nodded and smiled at her. I then moved to sit next to her in bed and wrapped my arm around her. I then looked at her. "Now, how about you do me a favor and eat a bit? You are going to snack today because we both know we are not going to be in the mood for a big supper tonight. So, to stay healthy you are going to have a lot of snacks today and just eat in moderation." Gabby nodded and agreed. 

I then smiled as I watched her grab the snack I brought her. Gently kissing her forehead as she ate, I smiled as I gave her reassurance that everything will be okay. "And what I said earlier about being okay with saying home? I really mean it. Gabby, I see how scared you are. This just hit so much closer to home than it already was and you are scared to loose what we have." She nodded and smiled at me before grabbing another bite. I then felt her hand on my chest because she finished eating her bar. Kissing her head as she put it on my shoulder, I smiled.

I then moved to wrap my arm around her back and grabbed her hand. "Gabby, please remember that we are in this together. You are my world and that world includes your entire family. Well, excluding your father. Sorry, still don't like the guy." Gabby chuckled and nodded while looking up at me. "Want to know a secret?" I nodded. "I don't like him that much either anymore. That applies to anybody who tells me what to do when it comes to who I love, who I marry and who I risk my life to be with. You are the man I want to be with and that will never change."

Smiling as she said that, I decided to just hug her instead of kissing her. I then kissed her head because I felt like I needed to start learning how to show affection in other ways than kisses on the lips. Gabby ended up liking it because she loves it when I hold her in my arms. It made her feel safe and loved. Whenever she needed to feel that way....I could always find her in the my office. If I ever felt that she needed me, she could always rely on me to hold her. That will never change because it is my job as her husband to comfort her when she needs it.

A prime example of that is when we lost our first child. While we weren't married...I've honestly felt married to her since we got pregnant the first time. I think we both knew that because we acted married. And I loved that about us. We didn't need a paper to tell us we are married. But, it felt nice to have it.  I liked it because it made my job official and allowed me to made decisions on her behalf. It also was a sign that I had her respect and trust. There is no better person you can trust than your husband or wife. That's why this feels amazing.

"And Gabby, I want you to know that you will always be my girl. The girl I love, the girl I want to be with and the girl I want to be my wife. That is never going to change because there is no replacing you. That's why I'm okay with you not risking your life again to have kids. Gabby, you are the love of my life and you are all I have ever needed in life. I never needed Matteo to be happy but, I am so glad we have him because he's opened my eyes and made me see things in a whole different way. Especially our relationship. Yes, we're married but we are also family. We've always been family." Gabby smiled when I said that. 

"And we've always been each other's person. I love you Matt and I am glad you are the man that I put my life on the line for to have children with." I smiled when she said that before leaning down to kiss her. I then kissed her forehead and just ran my fingers through her hair. "Listen, how about you take a nap okay? We've had a rough past couple hours and you actually look quite tired. I'll stay right here and just hold you." Gabby smiled and nodded, liking that idea. "I love that idea and I'd really like that." I smiled and bent down to kiss her again. 

Gabby then laid her head down on my chest and put her hand on my heart. Tugging the covers up on top of the both of us, I moved to shut off the lamp next to me so that Gabby could rest. I then moved to grab my iPhone and put my earbuds in my ears to listen to some music. This was exactly what we need right now. That's when I got a text from Severide. "Is it true that Antonio is in hospital with COVID?" I then shook my head and texted him back.

"No, Antonio isn't in the hospital with COVID....our nephew Diego is. Can you and the firehouse pray for him? Gabby is really worried?" I then waited for him to reply and smiled when he did. "Of course Matt. Tell her and Antonio they are in our thoughts." I smiled when he said that and then went to start my music while putting my phone on my chest so that the light from the screen didn't wake Gabby and/or Matteo up.

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