It's A Girl?

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With Jay & Erin at their Home - Jay's POV: When Erin said that our baby is a girl, I was shocked. I thought we weren't going to find out? We were able to a few weeks ago but, she said no. Walking up to her, I moved my hand to her stomach. "Erin, did you say that our baby is a girl?" She nodded and smiled. "Sorry I found out without you. I wanted to surprise you as a Christmas gift." I then chuckled when she said that before moving my hands to her stomach.

"Hey little girl, it's your daddy here." I then bent down and moved to kiss her stomach. "Hi princess." Erin then smiled as she ran her fingers through my hair before helping me up. "Come here and give me a kiss." I nodded and smiled while moving close to her before kissing her softly. I then felt her wrap her arms around my neck. Moving to pick her up in my arms, I smiled before carrying her bridal style from the living room to our bedroom.

Erin smiled when I did that. She knew what was coming, and was ready for it. She's been very hormonal recently and I for one, was really happy about that. The more hormonal she is, the more intimate I get to be with her. Laying her down in our bed when we got into our room, I smiled as I moved to play with her shirt. "Can I take it off?" Erin then nodded as I went to take off her shirt before throwing it away. Erin then played with my shirt and went to take it off for me.

Grabbing it and chucking it to the ground, I then smiled as I played with her pants. Bringing them down and setting them on the ground, I smiled when I took off my jeans too before getting in bed with her. "God, I love you so much. Both of my girls." Erin then smiled as she tugged herself closer to me. God that was hot. Even though she was this pregnant, she still had all of her strength. That was one of the most attractive things about her. She was still in great shape even though she was almost 5 months pregnant.

Feeling her hand run down my chest, I smiled when she rubbed my abs because I knew she missed it while we was gone. Recently, she has been taking every opportunity she has to touch them. "Promise me something?" I stopped kissing her for a minute and nodded. "Anything." Erin then moved her hands back to my neck and leaned her forehead against mine. "Promise me that you will never have what they call a dad bod?" I chuckled and shook my head. "Trust me, between my career as a cop and running after my family....that will never happen."

Erin smiled and agreed. "Just curious, you still going to be a cop when she's born?" I nodded while looking at her. "Are you?" Erin sighed. "I was probably going to a longer maternity leave. I know Hank will support me because of the fact we are in a pandemic. It's also why he is allowing you to be home more." That's when I needed to tell her something. It's not that he is letting me it's that I demanded it. She knows that. "Babe, you realize that he doesn't have a choice right? I basically gave him an ultimatum. It's either he let's me work from home or I do it anyways."

Erin looked at me and then grabbed my neck. "Jay, you're going to get yourself fired for doing that!" I nodded and understood. "I would rather get fired than bring COVID home to you and our unborn daughter. Erin, I am your husband and I need to put that job first. Erin trust me when I say this but, my job as a husband and father will always come before my job as a cop." Erin smiled when I said that before kissing me softly. "God, you have guts. I mean, you are not only married to Hank Voigt's daughter did it behind his back, and you are wiling to basically defy some of his orders just to be the best husband and father in the entire world."

I smiled when she said that before leaning down to kiss her again. "I will always put my girls first. Trust me when I say this, Hank will understand. He always understands when it comes to you and his future granddaughter. That reminds me, have you told him that we're expecting Nadia?" Erin smiled when I reminded her of the name we chose for our daughter. "Nadia Marie Halstead, and no I haven't. I probably should though." I agreed and nodded. "Why don't you give him a call? Let him know that we are having a girl."

Erin nodded and smiled, agreeing to do it before moving to grab her phone from her pants. She then moved to sit up in bed. Doing the same, I smiled as I wrapped my arm around her. "Put it on speakerphone. I am pretty sure he's going to want to speak to the both of us when he hears the news." Erin nodded and agreed, putting her phone on speaker after dialing Voigt's number. "You've reached Voigt. What can I do for you?" Erin didn't like it when people didn't check their caller ID, especially me and Hank. "First, you can check your Caller ID."

Hank then realized who it was. "Oh, sorry Erin. You guys okay?" Erin smiled as she looked at me. "We just have some news. We wanted to let you know that we know the gender of the baby." Hank was excited, you could tell he just turned his attention away from work to us. We now had his complete undivided attention. "So, what am I getting? A new granddaughter or grandson?" Erin the smiled. "Granddaughter." Hank was so happy. "God, you are going to love that. Have you chosen a name yet?"

Erin nodded and smiled. We then both decided to say it at the same time. "Nadia Marie Halstead." Hank was a little confused. "She's not going to have a double surname?" Erin shook her head. "Why? Both of our surnames are Halstead now." I smiled because I liked that she decided to take my last name. Hank must not have known that. "So, we have two Detective Halsteads in our department now?" Erin nodded as she turned her head to look at me.

"For document purposes, I will be Detective E. Halstead and Jay will be Detective J. Halstead. When it comes to radios, I will be Lindsay. And finally, pay checks can just both be Halstead because they end up at the same place. However, I am not changing my-email. I am not going to send a mass e-mail to the FBI. I am still working with them if they need help from the CPD. Remember, you promised me that I can be their liaison?" Hank agreed. "Yes, of course. Now listen, I would love to talk but I need to work. Have a good day and look at those files for me."

Erin agreed. "Sure thing Hank. Have a good day." Hanging up with him, I smiled when I went to kiss Erin again. "I love you." Erin then smiled. "I love you too." We then shared another kiss before holding each other close as we celebrated the fact we were having a girl.

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