Chapter 749

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2 Hours Later when Gabby and Matt are back at Home:

Gabby's POV: As I finish putting Matteo down in his nursery, I make my way into the bedroom to see Matt changing out of his CFD uniform and into some sweats. I wanted to try and bring up the fight he had with Antonio a few hours earlier but, I was scared. I then just decided to take off my uniform too when Matt saw me. He sighed and then went to speak up. "I know you are dying to ask me about what happened at Antonio's place. So, just do it."

I sighed and nodded before going to take off my shirt and setting it down on the bed. I then moved to grab one of Matt's sweaters and put it on as a grabbed some sweat pants. "Matt, I am not going to ask you questions when you can just tell me your story. So, sit on the bed and talk to me baby." Matt nodded as he put his t-shirt on, having already put his sweat pants on before making his way to our bed. Once he was sitting down, he looked at me. 

"Our conversation started good but, it didn't end good. Eventually, the topic somehow changed to the day of Matteo's birth and Antonio said something that pissed me off." I just looked at him and let him talk. "Want to share what he said or is it hard to say?" Matt sighed as he looked at me, getting under the covers. "He said and I quote, 'I am just glad you ended up wanting Matteo' I mean, of course I want Matteo. And of course I want to help raise him. He's my son!"

I finished putting my sweats on before walking over to the bed. Opening the covers and getting in, I decided to move close to Matt because I knew that he needed me to give him comfort right now. Getting in bed, I moved to lay down next to him while putting my head on his shoulder, my hand on his chest and one of my arms around his back. He also needed to know that I was on his side. I would always be on his side when it comes to having to choose between Antonio and him. He's my husband and I will always put him before my brother. He's the love of my life and Matteo's father. And him being Matteo's father is the main reason why he would always be first. That and because he's a great guy all around. Even if we weren't together, I would gladly defend him to my brother any day.

Matt then continued. "The way he just implied that...just because I didn't know about the pregnancy or the fact I was about to become a father that I wouldn't want to help raise our son is ridiculous." Grabbing my hand, he moved to intertwine our fingers before kissing my head. I then laid my head down on his shoulder and sighed. "I've told him numerous times why I didn't tell you. Sure, I probably should have in case something did go wrong and Matteo was the only one that survived but...I had that covered."

I then stopped talking when I said that because I knew Matt was going to ask me what I meant by that. Turning his head to look at me. "Okay, now that is a big statement and you are not getting away with not telling me exactly what you mean by that Gabby. Babe, please tell me what you mean by that." I sighed when I looked up at him. "Promise you won't be mad when I tell you this?" Matt bit his lip. "I'll try not to be okay? That's the best I can promise." I sighed and understood why that was the case. 

I then decided to start talking. "You see, knowing about the aneurysm...and knowing that there was the possibility for fatal complications, I didn't know whether I would survive. So, I needed to prepare for the worst case scenario. So, I wrote two letters both addressed to you. One was written to you to be delivered if I died but, Matteo had survived. The other, was if we both didn't survive me giving birth." Matt then moved to rub my arm and looked into my eyes. Leaning his forehead against mine, he sighed before kissing me softly. "I am so sorry you had to write those letters Gabby. That must've been so hard to do."

I nodded and teared up a bit before feeling Matt rub my cheek. Bending down to kiss me softly, I just took a few minutes to kiss him slowly since it calmed me down and made me feel better. I then moved to snuggle up to him more when I felt him move his arm around my back more. Putting his hand on my hip, he started to run his hand up and down my back. It felt good and was exactly what I needed right now because I was emotional. "Thanks for not being mad about all this." Matt nodded before kissing my head. "Gabby, I'll never be mad at you for doing something you had to do. Gabby, it was the right thing to do in your case. I just also hope that you wrote a letter to Matteo."

I chuckled and nodded. "Of course I did. However, let's not think about that one. If not, all this is currently a dream and Matteo isn't getting to learn about me by me being alive." Matt then smiled when I said that before looking at me again. Looking up into his eyes, I smiled when I decided to move onto his chest. Laying down on top of him, I smiled as I looked down into his beautiful green eyes. I then put my hands on his chest and bent down to kiss him.

Matt smiled when I did that and then moved his hand to my back, rubbing it as he held me on his chest. "I love you Gabby and I am so glad you are here with me too." I smiled when he said that and then moved to just lay my head down on my his shoulder, feeling really comfortable in his arms. Having wanted this for so long, I wasn't ready to let it go anytime soon. Nor was I wiling to jeopardize it again by getting pregnant. That's why I'm not going to try anymore.

However, that doesn't mean I wasn't going to be genetically related to our next child. When we use a surrogate to have a baby, the only egg she is going to use is one of mine. That reminds me, I need to tell Matt that we need to start saving money. I looked this up one time while I was just browsing online and it can cost between $100,000 and $125,000 to do surrogacy. I just hoped that Matt wasn't going to have a heart attack when I told him.

"Matt, can I ask you about something?" Matt then leaned back and looked at me. "Always." I sighed and looked at him. "Let's say we decided to try and have a second baby through a surrogate money a deciding factor?" Matt moved to grab my neck and then leaned his forehead against mine. "Gabby, you've already looked at the average price haven't you?" I nodded and then bit my lip. "Ranges between $100K and $125K." 

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