Chapter 752

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Gabby's POV: After spending the past couple hours talking to Sylvie about her worries, we were now talking about lighter stuff. More specifically, about TV and the baby. Sylvie needed this space and I was glad I could give it to her because if we are being completely honest, I needed this girl time. And even though Matteo was with us (I thought he would cheer her up), I knew that this was not going to last. She already promised me that she was going back to Antonio's tomorrow to work things out. And even though I should be on her side, Antonio is my brother.

"So, yeah. That's going to fun. Going back to Fowlerton to tell people I'm pregnant with a cop's baby this Christmas." I laughed and smiled at her when I heard the door. I was about to get up when Matt came out. "I got it Gabby, it's the food I ordered." I nodded and smiled at him. "Thanks." That's when I saw him open the door. I saw it was Antonio. Matt just looked at him and smiled. Sylvie however was nervous and Matt must've been in on this. I then glared at him.

Before I could get mad though, Antonio spoke up. "Gabby, don't be mad at Matt. I've been texting and calling him non stop to come. We both know how determined I am at times. I just wanted to see for myself that she's safe. I'm sorry." Matt then looked at me. "He was also keeping Matteo up from his nap." I then glared at my brother. "You are so in for it." 

Sylvie sighed as she got up and then walked over to Antonio. Taking the pizza from him, she looked at me. "Gabby, can you get this ready for us? I'm going to talk to him for a minute." I nodded and agreed before grabbing the pizza. Bringing it to the kitchen, I watched as Antonio and Sylvie stepped outside for a minute to talk.

Sylvie's POV: After stepping out onto Matt and Gabby's front porch, I looked at Antonio and sighed. "Sorry for running away. I just got frustrated and didn't know what else to do." Antonio nodded and understood as he stepped close to me. Moving his hands to my hips, he then kissed me softly as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I am just glad you're safe and somewhere you can be healthy. That's all that matters to me right now."

I smiled when he said that before rubbing his arms. "I think I just need space right now Antonio. Me being pregnant right now is overwhelming. But, me being pregnant during a pandemic is even more overwhelming. We need to talk more okay? But you need to understand that I am not going to stop working. Yes, am I going to have to figure something out that's safer...of course. However, it's not going to be at the CPD. I'm going back to the CFD. I'm not changing my mind about that Antonio and you need to accept that."

Antonio nodded and smiled. "I guess when I heard CFD, I heard ambulance. That's what I am scared about. At least until the end of the pandemic." I nodded and went to rub his cheek. "There are more jobs at CFD than just being a paramedic. There's also dispatch." Antonio nodded and agreed before hugging me. "Listen, you stay safe and call me before you go to bed okay? You know that hearing my voice calms the twins down. Helps you sleep."

I nodded and agreed. "Only if you promise to only talk about happy stuff. No stuff that relates to our problems." Antonio agreed and smiled. "That's tomorrow. I've already talked to Voigt and he's letting me take the day off. So, I want you to come home and we can talk more okay? If you need to stay another night here after we talk...I will drive you here myself. I promise." I nodded and smiled when he said that. "Have a good night and just remember that I love you." I smiled and nodded before moving closer to him. I then kissed him softly as I whispered to him. "Lunch, your place. Come get me around 11?" Antonio nodded and agreed smiling. "See you then."

I smiled when he said that, letting him go. Watching him walk away, I waved at him as he drove off in his car before making my way back inside Matt and Gabby's place to join them for supper.

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