Chapter 701

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Matt's POV: After spending the last hour inquiring about any fundraising jobs with the CFD, me and Gabby were now resting again. Gabby was laying down next to me with her head on my shoulder while I had my arm around her back and my hand on her hip. I actually think she's asleep to be honest. At the same time, Matteo was on my other side and wide awake. Rubbing his cheek with my finger, I smiled as we spent a bit of guy time together. It was a simple thing yet it felt amazing. Playing with my son was so adorable.

He started to bring my finger closer and then started to suck on it. At first, I wasn't too sure about it but in the end, I ended up liking the feeling. It was like him giving me some kisses. Another thing I thought? God, I've gone soft. If this guy can make me go soft...I am glad that we didn't have a girl. I mean, I would've loved to have a daughter but...if this guy can walk all over me, I couldn't imagine what a daughter would've caused me to do. I hoped she would be a daddy's girl. But, I am okay with Matteo being an only least for now.

Gabby probably knew this but, I wanted to try and adopt again someday. Hopefully, a baby this time who was given up at birth and doesn't have any family who might want to adopt them or take them back. That was our problem with Louie and Andre. There was living relatives who wanted to be in his life and we couldn't ever replace them. It was why we gave him back in the first place, so he could be with his family. But, I can't deny it's a regret I have. I felt that I can literally pinpoint that whole situation to be the downfall of our marriage.

That's why I am not ready to bring up adoption. This time around, unless Gabby brings it up...I don't plan on bringing it up until Matteo is at least 18 months and we've been married for at least that long. I am not going to beat our record for shortest marriage. I wanted Gabby in my life for the rest of my life. However, not just in my life but in my arms. What I was feeling now was that I am living the dream. I have my dream girl and our dream baby.

Nothing could be better than this. Well, other than us getting food for supper. I decided to grab my iPad from my side table since I could reach it without waking Gabby up. I then went to open a browser and went to order some Chinese for us through the website. I hoped that Gabby's order was still the same. I haven't had any in a while and I thought this would be a nice surprise. A nice relaxing date. Maybe we can even turn on the fire. Actually, that was a better idea. Rubbing Gabby's back, I sighed while kissing her forehead.

"Gabby, I am going to go sit in the living room okay? Can I just get out?" Gabby rolled over when she heard me and groaned. "I am staying asleep in here." I nodded and agreed, leaning over her to kiss her softly. "Have a good rest my miracle." Gabby smiled when I said that before tugging the covers up and falling back asleep. Grabbing both my iPad and phone, I then proceeded to leave our bedroom to go sit in the living room where I was going to watch TV and wait for the food to arrive.

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