Chapter 765

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Matt's POV: Once I finished making some chicken wraps for me and Gabby, I went to put the rest of the chicken I cooked in a container. There was leftovers that maybe we could use tonight. Maybe we could just reheat it and have a salad on the side. Checking to see we have lettuce, I smiled because there was some along with something in the back of the fridge I hadn't seen. It was a little cake. Taking it out, I looked at it confused before reading it on the top. It said. "Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Casey. September 2, 2020." That's when I realized that this cake was 2 months old. I opened the lid and took one last look at it. "This has to go in the garbage."

I then went to throw the cake out before going back to the chicken wraps I made. Grabbing us some towels and some drinks, I then smiled as I walked back to our room. Gabby had just finished feeding Matteo and was not holding him in her lap. "Somebody looks comfortable with him in her arms." Turning her head to look at me, she smiled and nodded. "What did you just put in the garbage?" I then went to set the food down on her side table before leaning over to kiss her. "Our 2 month old wedding cake." 

Gabby then stared at me. "Matt, you didn't. Antonio gave me that recently because we didn't have a cake at our wedding." I then sighed and should've realized that was the case. "Sorry." She then sighed and looked at me. "You're lucky I already had a piece. It was delicious." I then groaned. "Great, now I can't have a piece." Gabby smirked as she grabbed my neck and then kissed me softly. "Your fault you threw out a cake that was perfectly good."

I nodded and agreed before giving her food to her. "Here, eat the food before it gets cold. Then, I will put it in the dishwasher. I have to run it." I agreed and nodded while looking at Matt as he moved to sit next to me. "Drinks?" He then looked at me. "I'll get them when I go back out in a minute. We won't take long to eat. After lunch though, I want you back in bed." Matt smirked. "I promise, I will be. Maybe I can take off your bra for a bit even?" I then went to remind him that I was wearing a nightie. "What bra?"

He then looked at me and face palmed his forehead. "I am so dumb sometimes. I mean, how could I forget that you are wearing a nightie when it turns me on so much." I chuckled and smiled. "We should play with Matteo for a bit. Either that or we go take a walk. We have to admit that we can't stay inside all day." I agreed we couldn't. "Let's take a walk around the block then with our masks on. We can go look at the elementary school down the street. We've never even looked at it." I nodded and smiled. "Sure thing, that sounds like fun." Matt smiled and nodded before going to kiss me again, ready to take me on a walk after lunch.

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