Chapter 658

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Matt's POV: After spending the past hour in bed, I was now sitting outside with Violet since Gabby wanted to spend some alone time with Matteo. She was tired and wanted to rest. Meanwhile, Violet was done her homework and I decided to relax with her. We were currently watching a movie. This brought back some memories from when she was younger.

"Remember when you were younger and your mom was working?" She turned to look at me and nodded. "We used to have Uncle Matt and Violet days. We would spend like all day watching Disney movies." I nodded and smiled. "At least the songs weren't as annoying as they are now." I nodded. "Tell me about it. When me and Gabby were just dating we watched her niece."

Violet looked at me. "How old was she?" I smiled. "She was 12. Yet, she still loved Disney. So, this is of course 2015. Frozen is still huge. And she's seen the movie a lot. We ask her what movie she wants to watch? She says Frozen. I know the song by heart!" Violet chuckled. "Here's a good thing about having a boy. They don't watch Disney as much." I took offence to that. "I did."

Violet looked at me, shocked. "You did?" I nodded. "I loved the cartoons they had on. Some of them we're still on from when I was a kid so I kept watching them." Violet nodded and smiled. "Just like me with Girl Meets World. I saw some Boy Meets World once and then I tried to watch the sequel. Not that bad actually." I smiled. "I loved Boy Meets World. It was so fun to watch."

Violet smiled. "Where you more a Cory or a Shawn?" I thought about it and smiled. "Unfortunately, I was more of a Cory. I had to be. You know why right? Your mom's told you about why your grandmother went to prison?" Violet nodded and sighed. "Never met grandpa." I nodded and smiled. "Your mom talk to you about him sometimes?" Violet nodded.

"Your grandpa would be so proud of the girl you've become. You're great a school and you're even better because you don't have a boyfriend yet." Violet them blushed and looked at him. "His name is Zach." I looked at her, shocked. "Did you tell him your uncle is a fireman/EMT?" Violet looked at me. "Wait, since when are you a paramedic?"

I sighed and looked at her. "My lungs are injured because I inhaled too much smoke while in a fire. So, I'm now a paramedic like Gabby." Violet smiled when I said that. "You guys work together?" I nodded. "Yes, actually...she's my boss." Violet smirked. "Yes, like every wife is. Well, except my mom. She didn't have the guts to stand up to my dad." I nodded, unable to disagree.

"Listen Violet, I get you love your dad but...I would rather not talk about him okay? Me and him don't have the best relationship. However, that can't affect our relationship. It's best we just leave that out in the cold Chicago winter that's coming." Violet nodded and understood. "I just wish I understood why my parents can't be together. Don't they love each other anymore?"

I sighed, not expecting this question. "Violet, you don't want to know what your dad did to your mom. Please just let it go. It's not important but your parents are better off apart." Violet nodded and knew that I was trying to tell her something she didn't want to know. My niece was smart and was not somebody you could get stuff by very easily. However, I think she was being easy on me because I have Matteo.

That's when I heard Gabby come out after taking her nap. "Okay, enough uncle-niece talk. Time for me to get some dirty gossip out of Violet. Have some girl talk." I chuckled and nodded. "Sure thing." Getting up, I smiled while walking past her. Gabby then walked over to sit next to Violet on the couch. "Okay, now honest with me. Who's Zach?"

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