Chapter 648

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Meanwhile, at Med with Natalie:

Natalie's POV: As I called Jay, I hoped to get an update on Owen. I was worried sick and was currently in the midst of starting my rounds for COVID. That's when he picked up. "Hey Nat." I heard him say over the phone. I then sighed. "How's Owen?" I was not happy with his response. "You'll have to call Erin. I'm at the District right now." That's when I heard Will walk in. "Fuck Jay, I told you not to leave until we figure this shit out!"

Will looked at me. "Jay?" I nodded and then put it on speaker. "Jay, you're on with me and Will." Will then spoke up. "Dude, we said to stay with Owen. We are still figuring this out." Jay sighed. "I am just at the district to pick up work stuff. Erin is getting a laptop to work from home and I'm trying to get stuff to work from home too. Need to protect Erin. I promise thought, it's just us guys at the district. I'm going straight home after."

I breathed a sigh of relief and understood. "Okay, that's fine and a good idea. Sorry, just scared." Jay then told us he understood. "Natalie, I get it. I'm going to be a dad so I understand the feelings. Plus, he's all you have left of Jeff. So, I get it both as a parent and as a military guy. Yes, I may have been in the military but I know how hard it is for Rangers to leave their families behind. So trust me when I say this Natalie, I am going to be extra care of Owen."

He then went on. "And not just because you are his mom and Will is your boyfriend. I'm doing it for Jeff. Brothers-in-arms for life. Trust me when I say that Natalie. Plus, Will would have my head if he got sick with COVID and ended up in your ER." Will laughed a bit when he said that. "Very true." I breathed a sigh of relief when he said that. "Okay. Now listen, I am going to get to work. Sorry for all this. Just freaking out. Say hi to Erin and Owen for me."

Jay then hung up and I turned to look at Will. "Sorry about that, just scared." Will then walked up to me and kissed me softly. "Believe me when I say this, Jay is totally right. I will hurt him and probably kill him if anything happens to Owen." I smiled when he said that. "Listen, have a good shift and you stay safe too." We smiled at each other before leaving to go start our 24 hour shifts.

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