Let Me Sleep

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June 11,2017

"Damn," I grunted as she dug her nails into my thighs.

"Fuck Major,"'she grunted as her body shook as I gripped her hair and smacked her ass.

"Mmmm you keep cumming," I groaned as she coated my guy.

"Mmm," she moaned.

"Fuck," I hissed as she tossed it back slowly.

"Major," she said and handed me the blunt.

"Hmmm," I said as I landed on some movie.

I wasn't planning on watching it anyway. I was gonna finish the blunt and take my ass to sleep. We been up for a minute.

"Don't fall asleep," she said.

"I can't promise you anything," I said as she straddled
my waist.

"But it's still my birthday," she said.

"Even we have time outs Mrs. Major," I said and smirked.

"Meaning y'all just crash," she said and giggled.

"Mhmm," I said and closed my eyes.

I was crashing now. I had been up a lot more than she knows. Not in my head type of up. More of my  house is a hotel at this point. Even when they move, they still finna be there.

"You ain't been sleeping again have you?" She asked me as I felt her hand in the side of my face.

"Not really," I said lowly.

"Everything okay?" She asked me.

I opened my eyes to see her staring at me. Her hair fell over her eye as she leaned back. She slowly moved her hand to the center of my chest. I watched as she looked up and away as she inhaled.

"Mhmm. Just can't wait to get back to a semi normal crib again," I said as she exhaled and smiled.

"We might never get back to that. They almost lost both of us. We are probably going to sneak around and have sex forever," she said as she leaned down.

"That or you just gonna have to get use to get watched," I said and smirked.

"Mmm not if you are trying to play with Lady Stormie," she said and kissed my lips.

"Mmmmm," I said as she pulled back.

"But we do have those rooms tho'," she said in her raspy voice.

"We definitely have a lot of rooms," I said as  I licked my  lips.

"But you are right. They do need to find a place outside of the house," she said.

"Is this where you tell me I really should let Mika move into my building?" I asked her.

"Mhmm," she said.

"Can Thrill stay? I like having him here," I said.

"Yes Steven can stay. He's like a free babysitter that comes with a nanny," she said.

I laughed and took the blunt from her. She smiled and placed her hand on my cheek.

"These moments. These are the ones that only matter right. The ones when you let me see your full smile makes me know that this is the best moment of my life," she said.

I smirked.

"It's like the ending of an old chapter and then  begins a new one," she said.

"Well some chapters are meant to end. They have gone and taught us as much as they can in order to get us excited about the next part of our lives. The good and the bad," I said.

"I swear it better be good from here on out. I need a damn break," she said and smirked.

"You never know, but just remember everything and everyone happens for a reason," I said.

"Why do you think we happened?" She asked me.

"We went through some bad, had false love, learned to love; maybe we weren't ready for each other at the time," I said and licked my lips.

Not gonna lie I was high as fuck. Smoking in the shower is the fucking best. I sighed as my body melted into the mattress.

"No you don't," she said as she placed the blunt between my lips.

I slowly inhaled. She moved the blunt back as I exhaled.

"So you saying everything we went through in our past relationship were lessons we had to learn to become stronger and better for the one we are meant to be with?" She asked me.

"Mhmm. Can I go to sleep now?" I asked her.

"Papi you can't just drop shit like that and go to sleep," she said.

"Your voice needs to rest," I mumbled.

"Stop playing with me," she said.

"I swear on everything Mila if you don't let me go to sleep after this smoke session," I said and sat up on the bed.

"I did almost stab her in the preproom," she said and laughed.

"Thrill ain't tell you?" She asked me as she sat back and leaned on her hands.

I smirked and exhaled and shook my head  no.   She  smirked and pluck the blunt from behind her ear.

"I did threaten him too. So I'm surprised," she said and thought about it.

"You gonna tell me or not?" I asked her.

"I can, along with a couple more," she said.

"Tell me this one first and we can wait on the others," I said.

She smirked and nodded her head.

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