Little Black Books

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Mrs. Major
Chapter 57
April 19,2017

I smiled as I looked at my wife. She was half sleep in this lazy boy. Her hand was resting on her arm which she had placed behind her head and her hand was stuffed down her pants.

I slowly made my way over to. We had been smoking and fucking sense we got on the plane. It has been amazing. We were now in Florida. She definitely wasn't lying when she said she had houses, we had started in Hawaii, then we went to Cali for a bit. We were working our way back to Chicago. I love traveling and seeing new places. It has been so much fun, but I was starting to miss my London and Mayra.

I tapped her foot. Her hearing was done. We have been communicating through sign language and lip reading since we left California .  I watched as she groaned.

"Stop baby. I'm tired," she mumbled.

I tapped her again and she opened her eyes and glared at me. I raised my eyebrow and held up her hearing aids I had found. She shook her head no.

"Where did you find those?" She asked me.

I watched as her eyes focused on my lips.

"Buried in this chest full of stuff. Including these," I said as I held up the three little black books.

She laughed and nodded her head. I giggled and sat on her lap. She wrapped an arm around my waist and placed one on my back as she sat up.  I placed them on her ears as she sighed and pouted . I smiled and turned them on.

"They Okay papi?" I asked her.

She looked at me and nodded her head.

"I missed hearing yo voice," she said as she pulled me closer.

I smirked. See she never too tired for that, and I know she is tired. I think Imma get her to take some time off until I get tired of her ass being home all the damn time or out with Thrill and the rest of them annoying ass niggas.

"No Rain. I need a break. I swear Imma end up pregnant before we get back home," I said as she smirked.

"Ain't that what you want?" She asked me and ran her hand up and down my back.

"It is. But let's wait till the girls are done flushing stuff down toilets," I said.

She laughed and nodded. I watched as her eyes danced as she ran the conversation back in her head. I watched as her face got serious real quick and she sober up. I felt her body tense up.

"Wait. You not on birth control anymore?" She asked as she stared at me.

I laughed and placed my hand on her cheek and kissed her lips. I think she forgot, or thought I was on the pill or something. She groaned.

"Mrs. Rose, you could be pregnant for real," she said and pulled away as she looked at me.

"Papi, we are okay. They didn't take it out or anything when I was at the hospital, okay. Relax,"  I said as she licked her lips.

"Take what out?" She asked me as she raised her eyebrow.

I giggled and pecked her lips. She did forget.

"The birth control. It's in my arm remember," I said and smirked.

"I thought you were on the pill or some shit," she said and licked her bottom lip.

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