Just play with them

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Bonus Chapter 108
June 10,2017

I watched as London and Myara slept. And snored. I'm so happy that things turned out. I sighed as I felt Tracis arms around my waist. They didn't like me to much. I don't know why. They were okay with Mika. Love Trina and I'm not gonna mention how much the love Traci and Ricki. However, Milly and Rain beats us all and Thrill, Miguel, and Heaven rank almost as high as them. I sighed.

"Play with them more," she mumbled.

"Look, you try to be mom when you with them. They don't like that shit at all. They got a moms. Mila. You don't have to be," she said as she pulled me out of their room.

I smirked as she kissed my neck.

"I'm not trying to be but I want them to listen to me. They don't fucking listen," I said as she walked us down the hall.

"Your wrong they listen to everything. Also they fucking with you because you make them feel stupid," she said.

"How do you know?" I asked as she walked us into the guest room.

"London has good conversation," she said as she let me go and headed to the bar.

The way they smoke was on a dumb ass level. I don't think they are ever sober. But I actually got see what she and Rain deals with. They gotta stay sane someway.

"Speaking of which. We have to teach you sign language," she said as she walked over with a blunt.

"Mila was gonna teach me before the accident," I said as I watch her light it and place her hands in the pockets of her sweats.

"I can teach you," she said and exhaled.

"Nope, it will be bonding time with my sisters," I said.

I feel bad that I left them. I just couldn't deal with it all. Not gonna lie I'm a runner. I will run from a problem quick if I can't find any other options.

"What about bonding with me?" She asked me.

I laughed and grabbed the blunt from her.

"Stop it. We been bonding for a while Traci," I said and smirked.

"Mmmm. We ain't bonded in a minute though," she said and smirked.

"London and Mayra are a lot of energy," I said and sighed.

"Right but they are sleep," she said and placed her hand on my waist.

"But you never know when they gonna wake up again," I said as her lips found my neck.

"We will be fine. Besides Ra is gonna sleep with Thrill and London sleeps with well whoever she feel like it," she mumbled.

"Which is never us," I said.

"Well me and London just got back coo' ," she said and chuckled.

"She did slap the shit out of you," I said and giggled.

"That little nigga takes her job seriously," she said.

"She warned you first," I said and smiled as I ran my hand down the side of her face.

"I know but I ain't think she was gonna reach back like that," she said and laughed.

"Stop irritating her," I said.

"But it takes so much," she said and chuckled.

It was true. She had the tolerance of Milly. I was meaning me and Mika was gonna take them out tomorrow. I wanted to start over with them. Just like Trina and Mika.

"Imma take them out tomorrow,"I said.

"Okay, but first Imma eat you out," she said as she lifted me up.

I giggled.

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